Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The project More Employment and Income in Rural Areas along selected value chains is integrated into the DC program More income and employment in rural areas. It contributes to the program objective "Employment and income, especially for poorer segments of the population in rural areas of Malawi, are increased along selected value chains (VC)" by promoting innovative smallholder farmers in production and processing, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in selected sectors (e.g. tourism) that are willing to develop and change, as well as in the sustainable design of the business environment via business associations such as cooperatives and via public actors (e.g. ministries). It potentially contributes to the program indicators through improved income and employment for the target group of the rural population.
The tender with the objective of "Increasing income and employment, generated from enterprises and production cooperatives, through improved information services" includes the successful implementation of output 1:
"Information offers from enterprises and production cooperatives with growth potential on innovative possibilities for generating more income and employment in rural areas are strengthened. Through better information services, potential employment opportunities are more accessible and generate formal employment and hence more income."
Three work packages are envisaged to successfully achieve the results and impact for output 1, they are:
Work package 1: Assessment, strengthening and/or creation of potential knowledge or business development hubs
- Assess the information needs of potential entrepreneurs and small business (MSME) developers in three selected Districts in Malawi
- Analyse the legal status of existing or potential knowledge or business development hubs in Malawi / in the districts and design an appropriate ideal model form for improved / new knowledge or business development hubs;
- Evaluate and propose the most suitable (efficient, effective and sustainable) approach for supporting the creation / capacity building of the proposed knowledge or business development hubs
- Analyse and confirm the extent to which the knowledge or business development hubs that are designed to serve the needs for the enterprise development really are an asset for the regionally / locally active enterprises and how they support potential enterprise development and the information needs of existing or future entrepreneurs;
- Assess and recommend the optimal business model(s) for knowledge or business development hubs, whereby the ability for them to sustain themselves should must be a central feature;
- Ensure that the knowledge or business development hubs will guarantee the promotion of jobs for youth and / women enterprises;
- Create / strengthen knowledge or business development hubs in the selected districts.
Work package 2: Capacity development of the knowledge or business development hubs
Because of the assessment and subsequent decision to create new or strengthen existing knowledge or business development hubs, capacity development measures will be undertaken to strengthen these planned or existing hubs. The following main activities will need to be undertaken:
- Develop appropriate training/ support materials for the proposed capacity building approach
- Implement the training and capacity development measures as per results of the training needs assessment for the knowledge or business development hubs;
- Implement / provide necessary basic infrastructure (hardware, etc) for the new / improved knowledge or business development hubs;
- Strengthen the hubs ability and capacity to effectively market their services to potential clients;
- Support the hubs need and ability to develop web-based service platforms and / or internet webpages;
- Strengthen the capacity and ability of the knowledge or business development hubs to actively foster the necessary interaction / relations between MSME enterprises, entrepreneurs with key stakeholders in the mentioned, and other value chains;
- Support the hubs in developing and implementing an internal M&E system to monitor the implementation of the services being provided and the impact these are achieving.
Work package 3: Coaching of innovative companies
Support of the capacity building through the knowledge or business development hubs for production enterprises / cooperatives with a focus on sustainability. The following main activities are central:
- Assess and identify "active" / "innovative" enterprises / production cooperatives and support the elaboration of a basic data-base inventory of capturing all innovative enterprises;
- Undertake the assessment and development of the data-base to list innovative enterprises / production cooperatives not only in the three pilot districts but also in other parts of Malawi;
- Organise and implement regular needs assessment for innovative enterprises / production cooperatives and their capacity building and coaching needs;
- Capacitate knowledge or business development hubs in developing and strengthening their effective support services to enterprises and production cooperatives, especially focusing on the willingness to of these enterprises to enhance/increased their production and to employ more personal (women and youth);
- Monitor and regularly assess the advisory services and coaching services being provided the information-centres / hubs and suggest regular improvements of these services;
- Provide regular and continuous training and capacity building to improve the work and services being provided by the information centres / hubs to the enterprises and production cooperatives
The three main work- packages are inter-linked to the cross-cutting topics on environment and gender.
- Environment/climate change (mitigation)/adaptation to climate change:
- Gender equality (the element of gender and youth need to be addressed throughout all the services being provided)