Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Description of the project and its context:
The GIZ project "Prevention of sexualised and gender-based violence (SGBV)" in Rwanda aims at improving SGBV prevention measures of governmental and non-governmental actors, aligning current support mechanisms with recognized quality standards. Prevention in this context comprises both primary and secondary prevention measures. Primary prevention aims to prevent SGBV before it occurs, e.g. by supporting the implementation of robust laws and by promoting the change of social norms of gender roles. Secondary prevention aims to reduce the impact of SGBV once it has happened on those affected, e.g. through psychosocial, medical and legal support.
Despite the limited availability of representative data on the prevalence of SGBV in Rwanda, it is evident that particularly the number of affected women and girls is excessive. Affected women and girls suffer from physical and psychological consequences and their equal political, social and economic participation is further compromised. The Covid-19 pandemic and its socio-economic implications have exacerbated the situation. The government of Rwanda has ratified relevant international conventions, which set the legal framework for implementing effective SGBV prevention measures. Through the establishment of Multi-Service-Centres for those affected by SGBV, decentralized services for medical, legal and psychosocial support have been put in place at district level. Nevertheless, due to various factors like economic dependencies and (geographical) access barriers, these support services are not sufficiently used.
The project"s envisaged beneficiaries are women and girls, as they are primarily affected by SGBV. Its political and main implementation partner is the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF), intermediaries are governmental and non-governmental service providers and institutions, incl. the Gender Monitoring Office, the Isange One Stop Centre at district level, local authorities and civil society organizations. The project aims at strengthening institutional capacities of the MIGEPROF to implement SGBV prevention measures by using evidence for decision making, coordinating relevant actors and sustainably anchoring prevention measures in respective sectors. Governmental and non-governmental actors are strengthened in their capacities to provide medical, psychosocial and legal support for people affected by SGBV, while considering the obstacles for accessing support services. Community-based awareness-raising aims to make support services known and raise awareness on the root causes and consequences of SGBV to systematically contribute towards reducing the acceptance of SGBV in society.
Description of service deliverables:
The contractor contributes towards strengthening governmental and non-governmental advisory and intervention services at community level. The contractor will conduct research to get a better understanding on the origins of currently available data on SGBV prevalence rates and case reporting mechanisms, as well as the effectiveness of currently used methods for preventing SGBV and relevant support mechanisms by service providers at community level. By facilitating workshops/competitions (e.g. hackathons) or other formats, the contractor will support service providers to develop new, innovative SGBV approaches. Based on the outcomes of the chosen formats and of MIGEPROF and GIZ, as well as the contractor"s own assessment and the baseline research findings, the contractor will develop and implement tailored trainings for service providers (incl. medical, psychosocial, legal and admin staff), on applying a client-centered approach towards improved SGBV prevention approaches, incl. case management and follow-up mechanisms.
Key activities:
1) Conduct a baseline study:
The contractor is responsible for developing and implementing a robust research design for the data collection, analysis and synthesis in 5 Rwandan districts (tbd), as well as analysing secondary data sources to provide an overview of existing SGBV approaches for primary and secondary prevention (e.g. by other organizations, in other relevant contexts) and identify key factors for effective SGBV prevention approaches, including SGBV case management and follow-up mechanisms. The contractor will summarize main findings and recommendations in a policy brief or comparable structure and present them to relevant governmental stakeholders and other donors to inform further strategies.
2) Support the development of new innovative SGBV approaches for service providers:
The contractor will support service providers to conduct workshops/competitions or other formats for developing 5 new, innovative SGBV prevention approaches at community level, one of them being a digital application.
3) Develop and implement trainings on SGBV prevention and case management:
Based on the results and recommendations of the baseline research and the workshops, the assessment of the GIZ project and its" partner organizations, as well as the contractor"s own assessment, the contractor will develop and implement 5 trainings in 2 districts (tbd) on safe and comprehensive reporting mechanisms and follow-up case management, on client-centered and trauma-/gender-sensitive counselling for SGBV survivors, and on quality assessment of services. The contractor is responsible for adapting and implementing the trainings for multipliers, such as community volunteers, peer educators, and mentors in collaboration with service providers at community level.
4) Conduct an endline study:
The contractor will conduct an endline study in 2 selected pilot districts (tbd) on the 5 piloted innovative SGBV prevention approaches for the medical, psychosocial, and legal support of people affected by SGBV. This will include technical assistance for identifying and documenting lessons learnt on using new, innovative SGBV prevention approaches at community level.