Beschreibung der Beschaffung
GIZ seeks a qualified consultancy company for MSME Finance with experience in the regional context (Middle East and North Africa, MENA Region). The focus of the contractor"s work is to directly support selected financial intermediaries in enhancing their innovative financial services to MSMEs in the country. This includes development of new financial products and services or adjustment of existing products according to MSMEs" financial needs. The target group of the assignment are the selelcted Partner Financial Intermediaries.
The contractor will be responsible for achieving the following key performance indicators (KPIs):
- A: Supported partner financial intermediaries have newly developed or adapted 8 innovative financial services to the needs of MSMEs, of which 3 financial services with digital applications and 3 tailored to the needs of women-led businesses.
- B: 1,200 MSMEs (including 200 women-led businesses) have used the newly developed or adapted innovative financial services with 700 MSMEs using it for growth enhancing investment purposes.
- C: With the newly developed or adapted innovative financial services, a total credit volume of EUR 5 million EUR (equivalent in Jordan Dinar) has been generated.
- D: 80% of the supported partner financial intermediaries confirm, by means of a concrete example, that they have improved their efficiency in the provision of innovative financial services to the MSME sector.
The contractor"s work shall be structured around the following work packages:
Work package 1: Research on MSME finance in Jordan
Carry out an in-depth analysis of the main barriers and opportunities for MSMEs in accessing finance as well as provide an overview of existing MSME financial service offerings, with a focus on the following aspects: a) Barrier analysis and product overview, b) sectoral deep dives of 2-3 sectors that provide a high potential for financing growth-oriented MSMEs
Work package 2: Onboarding of (additional) partner financial intermediaries (PFIs)
Throughout the whole project implementation, it is expected that the contractor will work with altogether 3-5 Partner financial intermediaries. It includes to liaise with pre-selected PFIs, assess their potential to achieve the intended goals of product development, agree upon (if not already happened) the fields of cooperation as well as the cooperating documents (like e.g. Memorandum of understanding) with the partners.
Work package 3: Development of innovative financial services for PFIs
With this work package, the contractor supports the selected partner financial intermediaries in their efforts to develop new or adapt innovative financial services tailored to the needs of MSMEs. The research work under work package 1 together with an understanding of the individual requirements of each PFI build the basis for the contractor to develop the innovative financial services ideas.
Tasks include to develop/adapt financial services ideas that are closely tailored to the needs of MSMEs, with a focus on digital financial services and the needs of women-led MSMEs; to develop training materials for the new/adapted financial services; Train PFI staff in methodologies how to develop/adapt financial services; draft/amend manuals/product sheets of the PFIs to reflect the new conditions/processes.
Work package 4: Support the piloting of the innovative financial services at PFIs
Based on the successful product prototype development, the consulting will assist the PFIs in piloting the innovative financial services.
- Provide necessary training and coaching to staff on branch/ head office level of the different PFIs
- Support the PFIs in adjusting internal processes and IT systems (in the core banking system, MIS, other tools)
- Monitor the pilot testing and suggest adaptations to product or processes depending on results
- Towards the end of the pilot testing phase, the contractor shall provide a short summary report on lessons learnt with regard to the pilot phase of the new financial services in the different PFIs and organise workshops with each PFI in this respect to discuss and provide ideas for the way forward (product roll-out).
- The product roll-out will receive a lesser degree of support from the contractor
Work package 5: Other tasks
As both, the contractor and GIZ are jointly implementing project activities, it is essential to establish a relationship of close communication and collaboration between both teams. Besides the above mentioned activities, it is expected that the contractor supports in the following areas (list may change related to project progress):
- A central partner for GIZ will be the Central Bank of Jordan. The contractor is asked to feed-in its hands-on field experience with the PFIs working on MSME finance into the GIZ activities with CBJ.
- Provide support to CBJ on the implementation of supervision and regulatory practices for alternative financing products such as leasing, factoring and/or crowd funding. This activity could include the review of instructions and similar documents related to the new regulation for financing companies No. 107/2021 in these financing fields.
- Provide occasional training/workshop inputs for financial sector stakeholders like Central Bank of Jordan, non-PFIs, bankers association, related Ministries, etc. on topics related to innovative MSME finance, including but not limited to leasing, factoring and/or crowd funding and mobile wallet based credit products.
- Support GIZ in marketing and providing input to the set-up of a "Digital Financial Services Challenge Fund": it is planned that financial intermediaries can apply for matching grants to develop and implement digital solutions in MSME finance.
- The contractor is required to set-up an M&E system (agree with PFIs on modus operandi) in order to report on the KPIs outlined above.