Beschreibung der Beschaffung
In order to be able to provide the required services, the tenderer must demonstrate the following capabilities:
1. Capability to design and manage monitoring processes for stabilization, development and humanitarian projects and their respective political red lines;
2. Capability to independently collect data in the project areas in selected areas of the Lake Chad Region (Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Nigeria) through local networks (teams of field enumerators/ researchers/ assistants);
3. Capability to critically assess, analyze and process this data in order to make it useful for operational decision-making of RSF-donors and FFO project work.
The tenderer must provide a pool of field enumerators/ researchers/ assistants to gather raw data from the field/ project locations.
The following deliverables and analyses are expected for all the above-mentioned regions:
- Bi-annual community perception reports of the general security situation for up to twelve Local Government Areas/communes/départements or cross border locations/ location clusters (to be discussed and defined between the commissioning party and the contractor); annual reports are to be divided into two waves with a period of min. six months between waves.
The questions to be investigated relate to community perceptions of the overall security situation, the presence and behaviour of various actors, influence/ control over the population, access to goods and services (justice, police and security forces, administrative presence), law and order, state of the social contract, international interventions, youth engagement and prospects and perceptions of political participation.
- Bi-annual conflict trend analyses based on the actual development of the security situation, including security-related events (number of incidents, types, location, casualties/ fatalities, violence against civilians including attribution, etc.), activities, presence and influence/ control of non-state armed groups, crime levels, etc. to be cross-referenced and compared with findings of the community perception reports (see above).
- Bi-annual analysis of the assumptions and outcomes of the RSF regarding the utilization of outputs and their contribution to an overall improvement or deterioration of the situation in the region. This analysis shall be based on the comparison of deliverables 1 and 2 and the triangulation of RSF data as well as data made available by other implementing agencies or organizations. It shall serve the purpose of cross-checking the strategic relevance and underlying assumptions of RSF stabilisation measures and support the identification of possible priorities for future location selection.
- Monthly status report and availability for follow-up discussions for up to twelve locations (here villages, town, municipalities, communes, may include cross-border locations/ location clusters) where RSF (or other programmes) activities are implemented, planned or considered. The questions to be investigated relate to location-specific government security control, status of local administration, space for civil society. Of the twelve locations to be monitored, never more than six will change per month or be replaced by new project locations (or cross border locations).
- Up to six of the reports listed below are required in total per month. However, these may vary in composition and may differ from month to month, according to FFO requirements.
o Up to two conflict trends analyses on developments related to violent extremist organizations (including (youth) recruitment) in all four regions, focusing on ISWAP, JAS, Bakura faction as per result of monthly discussions between contractor and authority.
o Up to two reports on regional or national political developments relevant to the broader security and stability of the region(s) in question.
o Up to two delivery reports from border crossing to destination concerning the observation of movement of people and goods as well as the delivery of humanitarian aid.
o Up to two risk assessment reports regarding the activities and behaviour of local self-defense and community vigilante groups, hunters, etc. with respect to political red lines.
o Up to two ad-hoc analysis on location-selection taking into account the results of the perception as well as conflict trend analyses as well as other existing data sources (to be delivered within two weeks).
o Up to two location spot checks with a focus on the output of project activities under the RSF (e.g. asset check lists, visibility and community attribution of projects, community inclusion and beneficiary selection, use of assets by local population etc.).
o Up to two sector-specific reports (e.g. Education, Health, Trade/Farming, Goods, etc.) on degree of JAS/ ISWAP/ Bakura faction-influence/control/benefit.
- Pro-active ad-hoc briefings/ reports and availability to discuss via video conference developments significant for project implementation (such as large-scale military operations, fundamental power shifts or important developments in monitored locations) and availability for monthly donor briefings.
- In case of need and in line with the service provider"s capabilities, deliverables mentioned above can be substituted with related tasks.
- The service provider is required to share the collected raw data with the FFO upon request in a format to be discussed between service provider, GIZ and FFO.