Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The development of evidence-informed collaborative flagships for GBV prevention one out of three outputs of PfP and key to achieving the project"s overall objective. During PfP I, foundations were laid to improve collaboration among relevant stakeholders by establishing multi-sectoral networks for primary GBV prevention. Building on the multistakeholder partnerships that were formed in the previous project, PfP II has the opportunity to engage further relevant stakeholders from across Southern Africa and facilitating regional knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences while enabling improved coordination of GBV prevention on (sub-)national levels in partner countries. It has a strong focus on regional learning and exchange. The project benefits further from the strategic partnerships with other development partners that were set up during the preceding module PfP I and is therefore able to promote opportunities for upscaling GBV prevention flagships within the donor community.
Subject of the tender is Output Indicator 1.2, which focusses on the creation of evidence-informed collaborative flagships for GBV prevention, the development of investment proposals for the developed flagships and their presentation to relevant donors, financiers and other stakeholders from the development community and beyond.
To achieve this output, the project uses the format of a "social innovation laboratory" ("lab"): a participatory, bottom-up and participant-driven approach that brings together different stakeholders to co-create innovative ideas around a pre-defined social issue (primary GBV prevention, or a chosen topic relevant in the context of primary GBV prevention).
The past years of implementing projects and supporting actors in the GBV-prevention space have shown a need to develop new approaches that address harmful social norms and practices that perpetuate GBV, and a need to scale existing ones. The social innovation lab takes a resource-, rather than problem-oriented focus. Across Southern Africa communities, people and their communities continuously find ways to solve GBV-related challenges. It seeks to identify, enhance and connect initiatives that work, thus strengthening local as well as national and regional networks and the dissemination of promising solutions. It seeks to strengthen organisations that have identified promising ways of primary GBV-prevention in taking their approaches further. The purpose of lab is to addresses the following challenges:
a. Successful approaches for primary GBV prevention exist across Southern Africa. However, they are not yet sufficiently known or developed to effect comprehensive, whole-of-society change and need to be disseminated further for adaptation in different settings beyond their initial contexts of implementation.
b. Development agencies and other financing partners are not yet sufficiently contributing to promoting and funding new and innovative approaches in primary GBV-prevention in order to address root causes of GBV and develop long-term funding strategies.
The lab will bring together up to 30 participants from three to four Southern African Countries (South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and pending approval from the commissioning party Namibia) in an approximately 10-months social innovation process to share and map solutions, build on and exchange local knowledge and collaboratively share and develop innovative approaches for primary GBV-prevention.
Through local discovery, regional exchange, participatory design, meaningful collaboration and innovation support, the lab will nurture inquiry into possibilities and failures of current approaches, enable ideation and testing of new ideas and support the shaping of new or redesigned ideas for supporting primary GBV prevention. It will further provide a public space for sharing these approaches with selected members of the development community and other potential funders or cooperation partners.
The tenderer is expected to deliver the following three work packages:
- Work Package 1: Development of a detailed concept note and intervention design for the social innovation lab, including a lab process and activity plan, a corresponding timeline, criteria for participant selection, identification of potential topics for primary GBV prevention and a strategy for including marginalised groups. Scan of the donor landscape, e.g. to identify synergies as well as entry points with particularly, but not limited to the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, the Spotlight Initiative and EU Programming in the Southern African Region to identify areas of interest and stakeholders the mentioned entities have worked with and funded before. Prepare potential donor participation in the planned pitching event, increasing the likelihood of funding of promising approaches.
- Work Package 2: Implementation and facilitation of the social innovation lab, leading to a) a better awareness of existing solutions, b) strengthened network connections between participants across the Southern African region within and beyond the lab group, c) collaborative development of at least 10 flagships for primary GBV-prevention as investment proposals. Implementation includes the facilitation of cross-country exchanges, coaching of participants and support of in-country measures and the organisation of a pitching event (or several, more locally anchored pitching events), incl. identification of potentially interested stakeholders.
- Work Package 3: Handle the logistics of organising the lab and pitching events (including hotel bookings, visa arrangements, travel arrangements of participants etc.)