Beschreibung der Beschaffung
We are seeking to contract one consultancy that can implement various assignments until April 2025 (with an option to extend it to a maximum of 48 months). To this end, we are seeking a consultancy that can offer local and international experts in the areas of digitalisation and private sector development for different assignments to be implemented in Togo. Most of the assignments will be implemented on the ground in Togo, while some can be implemented through virtual communication tools. Once a contract is in place following this tender, GIZ will request services for individual interventions when required ("call down intervention").
The contractor will then be responsible for the provision of various services to implement these call down interventions by deploying short-term experts on demand out of two expert pools. Each call down is individually adapted to the needs of the requester but can include one or more of the following components (but not limited to):
- Provide backstopping for the project"s technical advisors in the area of digital transformation, private sector and ecosystem development
- Provide technical advice to public and/or private stakeholders of digital transformation in Togo
- Analysis of legal framework and regulation for digital innovation in Togo
- Moderation of discussion formats on digital transformation (fora, online discussion platforms or similar)
- Development of informational content to showcase the potential of digital products and services to improve the operations and competitiveness of SMEs in Togo and facilitation of respective capacity building measures
- Advising of the project team on the use of design thinking approaches in the activities
- Deliver webinars or online workshops to ensure transfer of knowledge and expertise to local stakeholders
- Contribute to the project"s monitoring and evaluation and reporting system according to the project"s instructions (e.g. provide participant lists, write progress reports)
- Technical advice and capacity building on ecosystem mapping
- Development of a platform for Tech Start-up registration.
For each call down intervention we expect the following;
- The contractor will report regularly to the GIZ team for Monitoring and Evaluation as well as communication and knowledge management purposes.
- During implementation, the consultant will usually be expected to liaise with project staff and/or the project"s implementing partners.
- When the call down intervention is concluded, the contractor shall ensure that a brief report is drafted by the assigned experts (2 to 4 pages), which shall be available to the project within two weeks after the end of the intervention (e.g. in case of trainings, workshops etc) and describe the main activities, milestones, lessons learned and recommendations, as well as other key information about the implementation of the assignment and observations by the assigned experts.