Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The Contractor shall provide sound technical knowledge for promoting Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) and chemical management in the leather production sector. In particular, he shall develop and apply training modules and advisory products in order to strengthen local capacities in particular from the private and academic sector institutions. to improve OSH and chemical management taking country-specific context, requirements and contributions into account and also provide international and local/regional specialists with relevant professional and regional experience.
The contractor shall assume overall responsibility for the implementation of Output (2) and (3) and contributes to Output (1). Objectives and deliverables are described below:
Output 1: The capacity of the Labour Inspectorate to inspect OHS in tanneries is strengthened.
Output indicators:
1. 10 inspectors have successfully completed a training course in occupational health and safety with a special focus on tanneries
2. 3 of the inspection materials devised by DIFE for tanneries have been submitted for approval.
Task supported by the consulting company
1. The consulting company contributes to output 1 by: Quality control of the inspection materials (Output Indicator 1.2) if and when required
2. Availability to attending required meetings under Output 1
3. Assurance that inspection material by content will be integrated into training materials for the tanneries under Output 2 (e.g. Corrective Action Plans).
Output 2: Advisory and training services for occupational health and safety in tanneries are used by the industry.
Output indicators:
1. 75 % of the 20 tanneries have taken up two training offers from the intermediary organisations on the implementation of national and international OHS requirements of the local intermediary organisations.
2. 52 orders for advisory services from local intermediary organisations on the implementation of national and international OHS requirements, 20 of which have a gender mainstreaming approach, are taken up by tanneries.
Tasks under output 2
- Perform stock-take of occupational health and safety information and identify suitable performance indicators (e.g. industrial accidents and workplace healthcare) in close cooperation with training centres (e.g. COEL), with due regard for gender-sensitive requirements.
- Develop course materials for in-person and online training (e.g. on conducting risk assessments, drawing up corrective action plans, good housekeeping, chemicals management) in close cooperation with training centres (e.g. COEL) and incorporate e-learning platforms such as atingi.
- Draw up corrective action plans taking special account of a gender-mainstreaming approach.
- Establish a dialogue platform for tanneries to take steps that effectively improve health and safety at work (coalition of the willing).
Output 3: Higher education on occupational safety and health in leather production is improved.
Output indicators:
1. 25 lecturers of leather-related higher education courses have received an internationally recognised certificate on adult education methods.
2. For Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes at universities in the leather sector, the university has 2 curricula on the subject of occupational safety and health in leather production as a draft resolution.
Task under output 3:
- Advise universities with courses relevant to the leather industry on curriculum changes in the area of occupational health and safety to bring them into line with international standards in tanneries (e.g. ISO 45001, Leather Working Group, LWG), possibly using e-learning platforms such as atingi.
- Train-the-trainer measures on occupational health and safety and teaching methods for adult education.
- Universities to develop formats for dialogue between teaching and industry to improve the implementation of international standards in the field of occupational health and safety (e.g. internships, summer schools, PhDs).