Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development to implement Invest for Jobs in Sénégal. It"s objective is to increase the employment among African and European enterprises pre-sent in Senegal.
The production and dehulling of cashew nuts has a significant potential for job creation. Only a few companies have reached industrial scales and the Programme identified historical players as well as industrial project operators as key partners in boosting job creation in the sector. There are 5 key areas of progress that were pre-identified by the Cluster Component of the Programme. These are understanding of the potential processing capacities, addressing the quality requirements as de-manded by industrials and exporters, enhancing technical skills among existing HR, developing sec-torwise dialogue with national authorities.
In this context, GIZ is seeking to commission a Contractor to contribute to the objectives of Key Per-formance Indicators of the Programme. The Contractor will be responsible to ensure that the sec-tor"s transformation allows for and do create 500 new jobs (KPI 1), improve working conditions of 1500 employees (KPI2), provide vocational training to 1000 employees of the sector (KPI3), improve the situation of 10 SMEs (KPI4); foster improvements in social and environmental business frame-works (KPI6). The Contractor is expected to provide experts with relevant professional experience.
This contract aims at providing key ressources that are direly missing in the sector. The Contractor will seek being a center piece of the dialogue among operators (dehulling factories, traders, and large rawnut providers). As part of this Contract the Contractor will be in charge of formulating, enforcing and supervising a Local Grant Agreement with 4 operators. As included in the required services, the Contractor will seek funding opportunities in order to address the sector"s needs in terms of equip-ment"s, infrastructure and other investments this Contract cannot cover. The GIZ team of Invest for Jobs Senegal will support that effort. Once identified, the process of drafting, formulating, and final-izing the required documentation to access these funds will be under the Contractors mandate.
In order to achieve the above, the following main tasks shall then be:
Work Package (WP) NGrad1 : realization of a sector overview & need analysis.
The Contractor will start from the existing studies and data, will refine the information with an ap-proach oriented on the market and the industry, to make an evaluation of the potential of the sector (production in tonnage, distribution by site and on the various links, number of SMEs having a busi-ness approach).
These information packages will be processed to identify sector & industrial bottlenecks. Thus the Contractor will identify training & technical assistance needs that will shape the appointment of Short Term expertise (Expert 2, Pool of expert).
Work Package (WP) NGrad2 : improving industrial operations & market practices
This package aims to improve the industrial practices and respond to the needs identified in WP1. In particular, it will consist in identify competent resource persons at national, sub-regional and even international level capable of accompanying the target group throughout the implementation phase, encouraging technology transfer and using the most appropriate techniques and technologies.
The 4 local subsidies aim at fostering vocational training for 10 month among the target companies.
At the request of the target companies, the contractor will be responsible for implementing actions to assist with marketing positioning / setting up customer specifications using the available tools.
The contractor will be in charge of raising awareness among manufacturers, their customers and their suppliers on the importance of a strong commercial relationship, for example through exchange visits to countries such as Benin and Côte d'Ivoire, and training on international commercial con-tracts.
Work Package (WP) NGrad3: Sector dialogue
The contractor will be responsible for promoting and fuelling dialogue between the players in the value chain through APICS and the inter-profession, so that the industrialists define their specifica-tions and reach agreement with the producers/suppliers.
The contractor will be in charge of facilitating the first exchanges aimed at setting up a framework for dialogue between APICS and the competent authorities in order to regularly discuss the problems of the sector and provide solutions. The contractor will be responsible for developing the visibility of the industry: (1) Identify and document good practices at sub-regional level; (2) Develop an argument with proposals for measures to be discussed with the competent authorities; (3) Develop an advoca-cy plan to convince the authorities of the economic and social interest of implementing the measures discussed.