Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The overall objective of this assignment is to assist the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) - primary project partner - and the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) by developing and conducting the first comprehensive in-country diagnostic of the access, use and quality of financial services by individuals and enterprises.
The Diagnostic Study ("the Study") analyzes the financial access, usage and quality strand for Iraq: patterns in the access to, usage and quality of formal and informal financial services among the adult population (including business owners, where available) - for payments, borrowing, saving and investing, and insurance (conventional and Islamic). This extends to factors on the demand, supply or regulatory side enabling or constraining them in the usage of such services (e.g. money management skills, financial literacy, trust, and financial situation).
A desk research compiles available research papers, studies, and data in the CBI and in the financial sector. It includes an assessment of the regulatory framework relevant for financial inclusion, identifies bottlenecks, obstacles or hindering factors for broader and deeper financial inclusion levels in Iraq.
A demand-side study covers a nationally representative household survey. It will be complemented by focus group discussions with the key target group of the project: FDPs, returnees, and women, youth as well as enterprises run by these target groups.
The supply side study includes a survey of financial services providers. Expert panels will yield additional information on potential supply side and regulatory constraints for financial inclusion.
The results of the data collection will inform policies related to improving access and use of financial services in Iraq and be used as inputs to the national financial inclusion strategy. The data will also provide a baseline measurement against which to benchmark future progress, including through the M&E system of the national financial inclusion strategy. The assignment will strengthen the professional and technical capacity of CBI and CSO in consolidating supply side related date and collecting demand side related data in the future.
The Contractor is responsible for achieving:
- An in-country diagnostic of the demand, supply and regulatory conditions for the financial inclusion of individuals, vulnerable groups, and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.
- An analysis of the regulatory framework with respect to the barriers for inclusive financial services and opportunities for reforms and innovations for advancing financial inclusion of people and firms.
- An analysis of the demand-side characteristics in financial access/exclusion, usage/preference, and quality patterns among people and firms in general, and vulnerable groups in particular, as well as physical, psychological, socio-economic, literacy constraints to financial inclusion.
- An analysis of the supply-side conditions with respect to financial access, usage, and quality across delivery channels, product categories, and provinces as well as gaps in financial services relevant for the target groups.
Accordingly, the contractor is responsible for the work under the following packages, with the accompanying detailed milestones and deliverables:
- Work package 1: Preparation and desk research
- Work package 2: Demand-side study
- Work package 3: Supply-side study
- Work package 4: Dissemination
For this purpose, the Action commissions consultancy services from a qualified consulting firm ("Contractor") or consortium to assist the CBI in collecting and analyzing data about demand, supply, and regulatory considerations for a diagnostic of financial inclusion in Iraq.