Beschreibung der Beschaffung
1 Hexapod and Rotary Stage for BEER / ESS
The Hexapod and the Rotary Stage are part of the Sample Stage Assembly for BEER / ESS.
It is located in a pit within the experimental Cave of BEER at about 158m from the ESS moderator.
The pit for the sample stage assembly has an octagonal shape. The diameter of the pit is about 1900 mm and the height 1500 mm.
The Sample Stage Assembly consists of three subsystems:
an adapter plate, the Rotary Stage and the Hexapod.
The adapter plate will be provided by Hereon while the Rotary Stage and Hexapod are subject to the Contractor.
The Rotary Stage will be mounted on an adapter plate (provided by Hereon) with kinematic mounts.
The adapter plate itself is mounted on the ground floor of the E01 building.
The Hexapod shall be mounted on the Rotary Stage either directly or using an adapter plate.
The height of the assembly should not exceed 1500 mm.
The hardware, cables and cable trays as well as the controller for the Hexapod are subject to the Contractor.
For the Rotary Stage the hardware and cable trays are subject to the Contractor while the motor, cables and controller will be provided by ESS and Hereon.
The Hexapod and Rotary Stage will be operated in a normal atmospheric pressure.
Under operation of the ESS source, they will face a spectrum of scattered thermal and cold neutrons as well as gamma radiation.
1. Rotary Stage
Payload weight ?3000 kg.
Bi-directional rotation of minimum 360 Grad. Multiple turns are not required.
Bi-directional repeatability ? 0.1
Vibrational amplitudes should not exceed ~10 ?m.
Rotation axis with maximum eccentricity of 20?m (in the x-y plane of the USCS)
Maximum wobble parameter of 7`` with respect to the z-axis of the USCS
The outer diameter of the Rotation Stage shall not be larger than 1350 mm.
The outer surface shall be circularly, i.e. the gearbox shall be within the radius of the outer surface of the rotation table.
The maximum height shall be below 250 mm without the motor
(exact position of the motor shall be discussed during the design phase)
The Rotary Stage shall be installed with its rotation plane perpendicular to the z-axis of the USCS on an adapter plate provided by Hereon
The Rotary Stage shall be delivered with cable carriers and electrical hardware necessary for operation except the motor, controller and cables which will be provided by ESS and Hereon. The Rotary Stage shall be equipped with a brake or self-locking gears, which allow to lock the rotation axis by a torque of min. 1000 Nm in rest .
The total weight of the Rotary Stage shall not exceed 650 kg.
The Rotary Stage will be controlled by EPICS at ESS. The software integration into EPICS will be performed by ESS.
2. Hexapod
The Hexapod shall be placed on top of the Rotary Stage.
Payload weight ?2000 kg.
The Hexapod shall allow for a single axis travel range (all other directions at zero position) in x and y of Tx,y ? +/-180 mm and in z (vertical axis) of Tz ? +/-200 mm. The bi-directional repeatability shall be ?0.02 mm.
The rotation around x and y shall be Rx,y ? +/-6Grad (with Pivot point at z=1638mm, x=0, y=0) and around z Rz ? +/-30Grad with a bi-directional repeatability of ?0.02Grad.
Outer diameter ?1500 mm
Maximum height in the lowest position ? 900 mm
The Hexapod z- axis (out-of-plane axis) shall be installed parallel to the z-axis of the USCS on the Rotary Stage
The Hexapod shall be delivered with all cables, cable carriers and electrical hardware necessary for operation.
The Hexapod shall be equipped with electrical actuators based on brushless technology which shall be able to be locked by a brake or self-locking gears.
All electrical components shall be compliant to EN 55024 and EN 55032.
The cable length shall be ?30m. The needed bending radius of the cables will be discussed during the kick-off meeting.
The Pivot point shall be adjustable along the z-axis by software between z=0 and 1638mm.
The total weight of the Hexapod shall not exceed 600kg.
The durability of one actuator shall be more than 3.25x100.000 cycles (~2.7x10.000 working hours) at constant load of 2000 kg (velocity = 1mm/s, travel range 200 mm).
The Hexapod controller shall be mountable inside a 19inch rack without further modifications.
The controller shall be able to act as an EtherCAT slave to enable connection to a higher-level control system/network.
The Hexapod will be controlled by EPICS at ESS. The software integration into EPICS will be performed by ESS.
The vendor shall ensure computer control interfaces are available to open the full functionality and provide documentation.
Further Hexapod, Rotary Stage and project related requirements for this tender regarding (for example, but not limited to:)
- Scope of Work and Supply
- Remuneration
- Declaration of Conformity
- Warranty Period
- Communication during Tender Process
(Alternative solutions, Tender Presentation,
Offer technical Report)
- Product (f.e. General Information, Product Breakdown Structure, Installation Context, System Interfaces Points, Definitions,
Functional Requirements, Allowed Materials,
Operation Requirements, Integration, Specific
Requirements, Acceptance Tests, Technical
- Project Management
- Overview of Project Phases
- Quality Assurance and
- Product Documentation
- Contractual Agreements between Hereon and
are specified in enclosed documents
40046289 Agreement Subcontracto and its Annexes
40046289 Annex 1 (ESS Standards)
40046289 Annex 2 (Specification)
40046289 Annex 3 (Form Monthly Report)
(ea in current published version)