Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The ECB uses approximately 6 425 SIM cards.
Mobile communication services
The framework contract will cover:
• provisioning of SIM cards (physical and digital (eSIM)) for voice and data usage in smartphones, mobile phones, tablets, notebooks etc. in all market standard sizes;
• provision of one-off priority access according to Paragraph 6 Abs. 1 and Paragraph 6 Abs. 2 No. 9 of the German ‘Post- und Telekommunikationssicherstellungsgesetz’ (Postal and Telecommunications Services Act) PTSG dated 24.3.2011, for all ECB SIM cards on a per SIM card basis. (
• enable in-house mobile phone (mobile telephony and data communication) coverage within all the ECB premises at excellent levels. Please refer to Chapter 2.9 for further details;
• mobile voice communication services for physical and digital (eSIM) SIM cards.
The latter comprises:
— mobile-to-any voice and SMS/MMS communications from an ECB mobile number located anywhere in the world to any phone number in the world;
— inbound voice and SMS/MMS communications to an ECB mobile number located anywhere in the world from any phone number in the world;
— Wi-Fi-calling communications from any ECB mobile number located anywhere in the world in case the relevant device is connected to Wi-Fi;
— mailbox announcements available in English (mandatory) and other languages (i.e. German);
— mobile data communications to/from an ECB mobile number located anywhere in the world. The mobile device can be a mobile phone, smart phone, tablet, a laptop (with a modem card) or any mobile device equipped with a SIM card and/or eSIM possibility;
— replacement and migration of the current ECB SIM cards/eSIMs and associated required services (voice and data);
— hotline services to provide support to the authorized ECB staff during 365 days / 24 hours via telephone (authorisation via ‘customer password’);
— reporting services;
— provision of and access to a Telecom Expense Management portal;
— invoicing services;
— on request of the ECB blocking dedicated premium rate lines (i. e. 0190-XXX etc.) for all or specific SIM cards. The ECB may also request to block specific services (i.e. charges/payments, etc.) provided by dedicated premium rate lines.
Managed sim card services
The contractor shall provide managed SIM card services in the ECB’s premises. In normal operations the service is to be provided within two ECB office locations in Frankfurt am Main.
On request of the ECB, the service is to be provided in the ECB office recovery site (ORS), either in addition to the two normal locations or only in the ORS.
The current two office locations for managed SIM card services are:
A) main building: Sonnemannstrasse 20, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, GERMANY;
B) Eurotower: Kaiserstrasse 29, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, GERMANY.
The ECB retains the rights to change the locations according to internal requirements.
Consultancy services related to mobile communications
On request, the contractor shall provide consultancy services related to mobile communications for the provisioning, problem determination and/ or further development of SIM card related services.
Transition services
On request, the contractor shall provide transition services related to the SIM cards and the related management services:
(i) at the beginning of the contract from the current to this new tendered service provider (including porting); and
(ii) at the end of the contract in order to allow for seamless service provisioning with a tendered new service provider (including porting).
The same services specifically listed in the procurement documentation may be requested by the ECB or on behalf of the ECB by a third party (e.g. managed service provider) duly authorised by the ECB.
Further details are specified in the procurement documentation available online.