Beschreibung der Beschaffung
This procurement activity addresses all potential commercial entities which are able to meet all necessary
requirements and the required performance parameters of the CO2Image mission in respect to the development
and delivery of a suitable satellite platform including the integration of the CO2Image scientific payload and all
necessary system tests.
The requested baseline tasks of this procurement include the supply of the satellite platform for the COSIS
Instrument, a Structural Thermal Model (STM), an Electrical Functional Model (EFM) and associated services
and tasks [WP 1].
Further the Contractor shall indicate the launcher cost and provider for the case DLR will not procure the launch
[WP 2 - Optional] WP 1 Satellite Bus and Services Delivery Items:
WP 1.1 Satellite Structure Model WP 1.2 Satellite Engineering Functional Model used for COSIS payload and
ground segment tests Note: Therefore, a remote connection between the facilities of the Contractor and the
German Space Operations Center in Oberpfaffenhofen has to be established) WP 1.3 Satellite Flight Model
(with integrated COSIS payload) including transport and integration on the launch vehicle WP 1.4 TMTC
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Database (e.g. Mission Information Base - data import into SCOS-2000 run-time database) including a complete
TM/TC List WP 1.5 Complete Documentation defined in the DRL Services:
WP 1.6 Spacecraft System Engineering to perform the CO2Image mission WP 1.7 Assembly, Integration and
Verification of the Spacecraft including the COSIS Payload.
WP 1.8 Payload System Engineering support (Coordination of interfaces between satellite platform and COSIS
payload) WP 1.9 Launch support services WP 1.10 Operations support for LEOP, Commissioning Phase and
3rd Level support [described in 5.7.] DLR has set an upper price limit of 18.500.000 Euro for the WP 1 Satellite
Bus and Services.
WP 2 Launch [optional] Procurement of the Launch by the Contactor including all contractual tasks needed.
Further information can be found in the attached Specification of Services.