Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The contractor is to conduct 6 work packages of activities (tasks) related to strategy development, SDG monitoring and reporting as well as mainstreaming of the 2030 Agenda. 3 of work packages are optional.
Services shall be delivered by short- and long-term experts in the form of technical and administrative services related to the key technical intervention areas of the project with regards to the 2030 Agenda.
WP 1: Mainstreaming 2030 Agenda in sector strategy processes & legislation
In close cooperation with the Public Policy Secretariat (PPS), selected sector ministries are advised to consider the SDGs as well as the 2030 Agenda principles in their policies and laws, including laws and bylaws, strategies and (action) plans. GIZ and partners will identify up to 10 strategic and legislative processes prior to the assignment. The work package includes analytical work, capacity development measures as well as organisational and technical advice.
WP 2: Monitoring and implementation of local development plans and mid-term plans
This work package is focusing on the sub-national level and aims to support up to 20 municipalities and/or regions with on-the-job advice on the alignment of up to 20 investment plans, development plans, mid-term / action plans, voluntary reviews, or sectoral strategies to the 2030 Agenda as well as on the preparation of a monitoring concept for their local and/or regional development plans (LDP). Stemming from the experience on the local and regional levels, consolidated feedback (incl. actionable recommendations) is produced and offered primarily to PPS, the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM), and other relevant stakeholders regarding required adjustments to guidelines and manuals.
WP 3 (optional): National Statistics and Reporting on the SDGs
In close cooperation with the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, this work package will focus on supporting the process of SDG data nationalisation and improvement of existing SDG monitoring and reporting process. This process should involve all institutions responsible not only for data collection (SORS and relevant data providers from both national and local level data), but also those who are directly involved in monitoring and evaluating progress of each indicator, such as relevant ministries, agencies, donor agencies, development partners and NGOs. All activities should be planned, organised and implemented in close cooperation with SORS representatives.
WP 4 (optional): Support to Voluntary National Review 2024
There is a possibility that Serbia would like to present a Voluntary National Review (VNR) on SDG implementation to the UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in summer 2024 (or 2025). Drafting the VNR requires a consultative process both within the government as well as with non-state actors. The contractor shall provide capacity development support to the government body responsible for drafting and consulting the VNR considering UN guidelines on VNR preparation.
WP 5 (optional): Support to the development of a National Development Plan
The government of Serbia has proclaimed that it wants to formulate a National Development Plan (NDP) as foreseen by the law on the planning system. As the overarching strategic umbrella strategy for Serbia, the NDP is expected to include strong links to the SDGs. The contractor"s role is to support the PPS and other government entities in the formulation of the plan, especially providing advise on how to integrate the 2030 Agenda into the plan. The advice shall be based on international best practice.
WP 6: Establishment and support of a community of practice on 2030 Agenda in the public sector
Implementing the 2030 Agenda requires inputs from many different stakeholders within the government. Complementary to respective official steering and management structures of the government, a community of practice (CoP) could reach out to a wide number of interested employees of the administration to improve their knowledge on the 2030 Agenda and strengthen peer-exchange and learning. The contractor shall develop a concept for the Community of Practice, organise 8 joint events, facilitate the communication within the community and support its maintenance.