Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Within the project "Promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises in Benin" the specific module objective for the project in Benin is: The employment-generating growth of Benin micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) is increased. The following outputs have been defined:
- Output 1: The entrepreneurial and technical capacities of MSMEs are strengthened.
- Output 2: Support services and structures for MSMEs are sustainably further developed.
- Output 3: Appropriate processes for attracting and managing human resources are available to MSMEs.
These Terms of Reference belong to Output 1, 2 and 3 and the contractor is expected to contribute to achieving the objectives specified for these outputs.
Target groups are:
- Self-employed tradespeople and owners of MSMEs
- Employees of MSMEs
- Job seekers, including women and young people in particular
The activities focus on the regions of Atlantique, Littoral, Ouémé, Mono, Atacora and the municipalities of Djougou and Copargo in the Donga region.
The following industries have been identified as having high potential with regard to the project objectives: Processing of nuts/seeds; Processing of fruits and vegetables; Vegetable cultivation; Beekeeping; Poultry farming; Fish farming; Services for food and agriculture;
(Eco-) tourism, incl. hospitality and handicrafts; Production of cosmetic products; Renewable energies.
Relevant partners
The TC module will cooperate closely in implementation with several institutions, including the Benin Agency for SME Promotion (Agence de Développement des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises, ADPME) with its mandate to promote and develop MSMEs through accompaniment, financing and market access support, and the Chamber of industry and commerce Benin (Chambre de l'Industrie et du Commerce du Bénin, CCIB).
2. Tasks to be performed by the contractor
The following provides a detailed overview of the relevant module objective indicators and output indicators:
Module objective:
The employment-generating growth of Beninese MSMEs is increased.
Output 1 : The entrepreneurial and technical capacities of MSMEs are strengthened.
Indicator 1.2:
210 out of 300 of the P&MS of MSMEs, 84 of whom are women, who have received a technical training or consultancy service confirm an improvement in their technical capacities in the areas of product quality or certification.
Output 2: Support services and structures for MSMEs are sustainably further developed.
Indicator 2.1:
Support services for MSMEs, 1 of which focuses on digital skills, 1 on the specific promotion of women entrepreneurs and 1 on the promotion of social enterprises, have been newly included in the service portfolio of partner institutions.
Output 3: Appropriate processes for attracting and managing human resources are available to MSMEs.
Indicator 3.1:
80 out of 120 MSMEs confirm an improvement in their human resource planning in 1 out of 4 categories.
- Human resource development (training and development of existing employees).
- Personnel recruitment/recruiting
- Personnel organisation
- Gender diversity manage
Work package 1: Development and implementation of sector-specific technical advisory, training and coaching services (output indicator 1.2)
Work package 2: 4 support services for MSMEs, of which 1 focused on digital skills, 1 on specific support for women entrepreneurs, 1 on support for social enterprises and 1 on support for market access, were newly added to the service portfolio of partner institutions.
- Sub-work package 2.1: Organisational advice to public and private sector institutions on sustainable organisational structures and the establishment and expansion of advisory and qualification services for MSMEs (Output 2)
- Sub-work package 2.2: Technical advice to MSME support structures on the development of sustainable operating models (e.g. competence centres, train-the-trainer facilities, regional business hubs) (output indicator 2.1)
Work package 3: Establishment and expansion of training offers to improve the human resource planning capacity of SMEs (target output 3)
- Sub-work package 3.1: 80 out of 120 MSMEs confirm an improvement in their human resource planning in 1 out of 4 categories. (Output indicator 3.1)
The activities belonging to each work package are described in the Terms.
The contractor is required to take the following key measures to avoid or reduce possible unintended negative results and to support gender equality in its area of responsibility:
- Environment/climate change (mitigation)/adaptation to climate change
- Conflict and context sensitivity and human rights
- Gender equality