Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The contractor is responsible for the delivery of high-quality short-term expert (STE) advice in various topics relevant for enhancing the capacities of national stakeholders to vigorously and effectively pursue in their respective countries the regional integration protocols, policies and strategies of SADC. To ensure that relevant expertise for the respective regional and national contexts is available, the firm of consultants will manage and assemble a STE pool, out of which the individual experts are assigned to consultancy assignments. The individual consultancy assignments will be developed between GIZ and its partners and are based on a joint process and methodology aimed at identifying the needs in the SADC region and within individual member states. These assignments are part of the project"s methodological approach and should thus be conceptualized jointly with the SNRL project and its partners according to the guiding principles and overall project methodology. Therefore, the assignments focus on the scaling-up of best practices and should aim to share experiences and knowledge throughout the region (for example by aiming to standardize products developed as part of the assignment).
The consulting assignments can be implemented by STEs at the national or at the regional level (in multiple countries or directly in cooperation with SADC) depending on the individual assignment.
The subjects of the consultancies to be provided through the STE Pool cannot be defined with certainty beforehand as they depend on the nature of the partners" requirements and the concept of the individual assignment, to be agreed between GIZ and the partners. Thus, the STE Pool must be managed with flexibility and the firm of consultants must demonstrate its capacity and ability to mobilize highly qualified experts in a timely manner. At this stage, the following consultancy needs are envisioned:
Advice on and training in substantive issues:
- Preparation of scoping and baseline studies, analysis of progress in the implementation of SADC protocols and policies, capacity needs assessments
- Organizational diagnostics and development
- Process diagnostics and development
- Networking diagnostics and development
- Analysis of regional integration issues, protocols, and strategies
- Concepts and approaches of national-regional linkages in the context of regional integration
- Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of SADC protocols and strategies (incl. Revised RISDP)
- Drafting of regulatory frameworks for the domestication of regional protocols and policies
- Project planning, management, M&E and reporting
- National budgetary frameworks, resource mobilization, preparation of funding requests
- Systematization and documentation of lessons learnt, standardization of products, approaches and methodologies
Advice on and training in dialogue and negotiation:
- Facilitation of group events (e.g. workshops), dialogue and negotiation processes
- Training in dialogue and moderation techniques
Advice on and training in communication and visibility (at national or regional level):
- Design and accompaniment of awareness-raising campaigns
- Design and accompaniment of advocacy, sensitization, and communication strategies
- Design and preparation of information materials on the SNRL Programme
Whereas there may be some assignments which can be implemented by an individual consultant, other assignments may necessitate a team of consultants, requiring e.g. different educational backgrounds and technical expertise.
In general, the demand for short-term technical expertise and the specific areas of support will emerge on relatively short notice. The firm of consultants should, therefore, provide a concept on how and how quickly it can mobilize technically suitable experts from the STE Pool.
Generally, once a consultant has been selected, the Programme Officer in charge will have the responsibility to orient and guide the consultant, make the necessary organizational arrangements with the partners involved and review and comment upon the consultant"s products. In case, for whatever reason, a consultancy is not progressing satisfactorily, the firm of consultants and GIZ are obliged to consult each other as a matter of urgency and to agree on mutually acceptable corrective steps. To monitor and ensure the desired quality of the service provision by each STE assignment, a responsible project manager on the side of the firm of consultants is expected to provide the necessary backstopping and quality assurance measures.
In general, the firm of consultants will be expected to provide experts from the SADC region, but in special, rare occasions other international expertise may also be required. In either case, a strong link to experts/ institutions based in the region is required and the technical proposal should clearly explain how this will be ensured. The bidders should be able to identify and draw upon additional experts/institutions when needed and should explain how this will be achieved. It is of crucial importance that bidders can demonstrate that they have access to a wide network of expertise in the fields described above and within the SADC region, and that they can activate this expertise within short timeframes.
The working language for all assignments will be English unless otherwise specified in the sub-ToRs for a specific assignment.
The firm of consultants and the STE pool are expected to support the SNRL project for the duration of its project runtime.