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Work and services to be provided
The social protection systems' incremental reforms in Indonesia are essential in promoting efforts to eradicate extreme poverty by 2024. President Joko Widodo officially assigned BAPPENAS to lead the social protection reform agenda. President ordered redesigning and rearranging social protection (social assistance and social security) and improving management effectiveness and efficiency. Learning from the COVID-19 response situation, the GoI confirms that redefining the benefit through recalculating the premium for social health insurance and social security programmes is critical to improving individual and household coping mechanisms. BAPPENAS deems to have immediate technical support from the German government to perform several key activities to build the foundation for the reform. Due to its urgency, it proposed to anchor the topic under the current IDN German Social Protection Programme (GIZ SPP) by constructing a new intervention area as the umbrella of the foreseen activities. One of the key activities is a baseline study to identify the gaps in Indonesia's current social protection (social security and social health insurance) as the starting point for constructing the actuarial technical support for the Indonesian government.
The main objective of this baseline study is to conduct an analytical overview (gap analysis) that describes Indonesia's current social security and social health insurance programmes. The issues of the study include, but are not limited to demand or proposed future ideal programmes based on the socioeconomic and demographic situation; analysis of five social security and social insurance principles, i.e. availability, accessibility, coverage/benefits, programme management including human resources, and accountability; analysis of the ability to pay; analysis of willingness to pay, and recommendation for the programme expansion, both on social health insurance and social security programmes.
GIZ is looking for the services of a contractor (international consultancy firm) with extensive experience in assisting governments in developing social security and social health insurance policies.
The service provided by the contractor includes three main work packages:
Work Package 1: Conduct a quantitative study on Indonesia's current social protection (social security and social health insurance) at the national and regional level in the form of a gap analysis:
Work package 1 includes services aimed at describing the current design and implementation of social security and social health insurance programmes in Indonesia. This main activity employs a quantitative approach to studying gap analysis of the design and implementation of social security and social health insurance at the national and regional levels. The study will address the aforementioned objectives. The contractor must ensure that analytical works are carried out correctly, objectively, and thoroughly. Among the key activities are the establishment of accessible data and knowledge management on the methodology of the study, data collection and data management tools, analytical works, social security and social health insurance membership data and regulations, as well as the development of networking with high-ranking representatives from government, academia, and other relevant stakeholders at the national and regional levels.
Work Package 2: Strengthen the technical capacities of the 'Actuarial Technical Support" partnership:
Work package 2 includes services on providing GIZ and partners technical capacities to enhance the knowledge base on social security and social health insurance programmes. This information or knowledge includes analyses of the effectiveness and efficiency of social security and social health insurance programmes and their protection gaps; strengths and challenges of potential solutions as well as a selection of the most suitable options; and the urgency of establishing an independent organisation that will lead the policies on the actuarial technical science.
Work Package 3: Support the policy dialogue within the framework of the IDN bilateral social protection project:
The contractor will provide services in analysing potential linkages of selected solutions based on priorities expressed by various stakeholders and discussing the findings with the actuarial technical support coordination forum. The services also include fleshing out and specifying options - possibly in a modular form- in consultations with major stakeholders as well as assisting the GIZ project director and the partner in shaping the debate and policy dialogue about Indonesia's current social security and social health insurance and the ideal form of future programmes.
The mission shall be carried out between 1 December 2022 and 30 June 2023 and involves the provision of one team leader, two long-term experts/senior researchers, and the extensive involvement of a pool of international, regional, and short-term national experts.