Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The water and sanitation sector is one of the three priority areas of cooperation between the Republic of Benin and the Federal Republic of Germany. The new AGIR-Eau project (Appui à la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau dans le context du changement climatique - Support for Integrated Water Resources Management in the context of climate change), financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), supports the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Pendjari, Mékrou and Mono river basins, as well as the management of wastewater and fecal sludge in the Grand Nokoué and two secondary towns (Djougou and Lokossa). The Ministry of Water and Mines (MEM) is the project's supervising ministry.
The project aims to achieve three outputs:
- Output 1 (Policy and strategic support): The policy framework for Integrated Water Resources Management is gender sensitive and climate change resilient
- Output 2 (Integrated Water Resources Management in the context of climate change): Local authorities and local water committees implement IWRM measures in three catchments (Mekrou, Mono and Pendjari) with a focus on climate resilience and gender
- Output 3 (Wastewater and Fecal Sludge Management): The basic components of a service chain in the field of wastewater and fecal sludge treatment have been developed
The project is implemented in collaboration with several state or public partners at the national, departmental and local levels (Ministry of Water and Mines, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Health, various associated administrative entities and Agencies, Communes) and non-state partners (NGOs, associations, private companies, individual consultants, universities).
In order to support the implementation of these activities, the AGIR-Eau project wishes to recruit an international consultancy firm for the period from July 2023 to December 2024. The contractor will contribute to the achievement of the overall project objective by working on the three components with the relevant implementing partners. However, particular emphasis will be placed on achieving the objectives of Output 2 in the field of Integrated Water Resources Management.
To this end, the contractor will need to mobilise long-term and short-term experts who can carry out the assigned activities under the supervision of the AGIR-Eau project team. The long-term experts will be permanently based in Benin while the short-term experts will carry out field missions and work in their own country of residence.
In more detail the 7 fields of activity include:
Work package 1: Participation in the creation of an IWRM policy framework that integrates new transversal themes such as climate change and gender equality.
(a) Study on the creation and operationalization of the National Agency for Dams and River Basins (ANBBH) in order to advocate for its establishment.
(b) Capacity building of DG Water and its decentralised services in strategic planning and knowledge management.
(c) Preparation and dissemination of guidance on the consideration of IWRM at the municipal level in the context of climate change.
Work package 2: Development of norms and standards for the professional management of wastewater and faecal sludge
The package will require experts to draft a strategy for monitoring the quality of wastewater and faecal sludge with guidelines designed for state monitoring and self-monitoring by faecal sludge treatment plant operators.
Work Packages 3 and 4 : Support authorities and local water committees in 3 watersheds to implement IWRM measures with a focus on climate resilience and gender.
Support the establishment and strengthening of Local Water Committees (CLE) in Pendjari, Mekrou and Mono basins. Enable Local Water Committees (CLE) to implement IWRM measures for climate adaptation.
Work package 5: Early Warning System
Support to DG Water in order to make available quality and real-time information on flood levels and to facilitate its access in the broad sense to all stakeholders. This includes a study on necessary measures for improving the existing early warning systems and a communication plan for early warning.
Work Package 6: Climate Resilient Urban Sanitation
The GIZ in a study entitled "Climate Resilient Urban Sanitation" proposed a method for assessing the climate resilience of sanitation in urban municipalities. The contractor will support the project in testing this method in the urban agglomeration of Grand Nokoué.
Work Package 7: "Supporting the ANCQ in the ISO 17025 accreditation process"
The laboratory of the National Agency for Quality Control of Health Products and Water (ANCQ) has been designated as a reference laboratory for the wastewater and faecal sludge sector. Activities include support to the ANCQ laboratory in the ISO 17025 accreditation process and improving the sustainability of its activities via a new economic model.