The tender documents are provided electronically on and can be downloaded there after free registration.
The contracting authority accepts the following types of bid submission:
Electronically in text form.
The submission of bids in electronic form is carried out in due time via the public procurement marketplace DTVP (Deutsches Vergabeportal).
In order to comply with the text form requirement pursuant to Section 126 b of the German Civil Code (BGB) when submitting bids, bidders must provide the following information:
- In the case of natural persons, the full name must be stated (§12 BGB).
- In the case of legal entities and trading companies (Section 17 BGB), the company name must be stated and the legal form. In addition, the full name of the employee submitting the bid on behalf of the company must be stated. The inclusion of a company logo is not sufficient.
- In the case of bidding consortia, the above information must be provided for each individual bidder.
information for each individual bidder.
It should be noted that the text form of Section 126 b of the German Civil Code (BGB) is only complied with in public procurement law if the requests to participate/bids are transmitted in encrypted form. An e-mail is not sufficient.
In the event of incorrect / incomplete information which violates the text form pursuant to § 126 b BGB, the bids will be excluded.
We would like to point out that in the case of any parallel applications for participation or bids from affiliated companies, attention must be paid to compliance with the principles of secret competition; at the latest upon request by the awarding authority, evidence must be provided that strict separation in terms of personnel, organization and structure was ensured during the preparation of the application for participation and bid documents (cf. e.g. OLG Düsseldorf, decision dated 13.04.2011 VII-Verg 4/11; VK Münster, decision dated 22.04.2015 - VK 1-12/15).
Note: If one of the required forms is not submitted in due form or time, this may lead to exclusion of the bid.
Missing or incomplete documents can be subsequently requested by the awarding authority; however, applicants cannot rely on a subsequent request being made.
Missing documents at the end will lead to exclusion.
The documents to be submitted will automatically be announced at the points provided for this purpose.
Bekanntmachungs-ID: CXS0YYEYW29T3CSP