Beschreibung der Beschaffung
In order to comply with the Employer's obligations in relation to the interfaces and to ensure a smooth offshore installation phase for all components without disruption to the respective associated contractors, the tendering party plans to establish an Employer's Offshore Service Team (EOST) to carry out all necessary work accordingly.
The offshore works shall be performed by Teams of EOST members who will be offshore on a 12/7 basis throughout the entire installation phase of the He Dreiht project. In addition, the EOST members shall be coordinated by a coordinator of the contractor who also acts as single point of contact for the Employer’s construction management.
For the performance of the works, EOST members shall be provided by the tenderer who have the required qualifications and experience and can thus fully cover all required tasks. The tendering party reserves the right to reject people that do not comply with the requirements and qualifications listed in the ITT.
In the following sections there is a brief description of the works to be performed (non-exhaustive enumeration) and a preliminary time schedule. All dates may change slightly due to usual project delays. For all works, the tenderer expects between 3 and 9 EOST members. The required numbers will differ during the entire installation phase.
Expected time frame of the services is as follows:
• Start of services: Between 01.04.2024 and 01.06.2024 (flexible start date)
• End of services: 31.12.2025
• Option for prolongation
All described services might be required multiple times in different project phases.
1.2.1 Cleaning works
The task will be to keep locations clean throughout the entire installation phase to ensure safe access for all parties, including Employer’s associated contractors. These cleaning works comprise (not limited to)
• Detection and removal of mold
• Detection and removal of bird dung
1.2.2 Coating repairs on TP and tower
Executed works comprise detection and repair coating damages on the TPs and the tower. EOST Members assigned to this task shall be certified (FROSIO coating inspector or equal).
1.2.3 General repair works
• Rectification of damages to ensure safe access (Such deficiencies may occur for example but not limited to the lighting (boat landing, service platform), self-closing gates, gratings, barriers around electrical installations, water inside TP, TP cover repairs, etc.)
• Repairs of Fall Arrest Systems (YoYos)
• Repair/replacement & disassembly of Temporary Seamarking Lights
• Check/repair of earthing connections
1.2.4 Regular inspections
• comprise detection of deficiencies that require immediate rectification and
• regular statutory inspections of equipment/appurtenances (e.g., not limited to, anchor points, ladders, fire extinguishers etc.)
1.2.5 Check (measurement and general condition) of the TP flange comprises measurement of
• Angular displacement
• Overall and local flatness of inner and outer edge
• Roundness
• Ovality
1.2.6 Discontinuous Grout Monitoring
• comprises installation of the measuring device including cleaning of MP and TP surface before installation
• Initial measurement by means of manual measurement
1.2.7 Removal of transport and installation equipment
• Removal of vertical jacks
• Loosening bolted connections of lifting lugs
• Removal of hoses of horizontal jacks
1.2.8 Davit Hoist
Executive works comprise maintenance, repairs and checks.
1.2.9 Troubleshooting: IT/OT, Main Automation Contractor (MAC), 5G, On-shore/Offshore Multi Color System, Communication Devices
1.2.10 Supporting Services
Supporting services mean the support the Employer and or its associated works contractors during several offshore operations. During these activities, the personnel of the Employer and/or one of his contractors are already present and the EOST only has to provide one or a maximum of 2 additional persons. These services comprise
• Condition ascertainments
• Lists of open points/ Checks of rectified damages
• Taking Overs of Associated Works Contractors
• Support of installation/commissioning/maintenance of autonomous energy supply, radio link (bi-directional), TETRA/VHF radio system
• Support of commissioning of low voltage (LV) system on the TP
• Support of troubleshooting of ICCP and reference cells
1.2.11 Potential additional scope
Scope that is not explicitly described but covered by the required qualifications of the EOST members.