Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The Technical Cooperation (TC) module Transboundary water cooperation in the Lower Mekong Basin II (TWC II), which Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is implementing on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), aims at increasing the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the Mekong River Commission (MRC), particularly for coping with development challenges in the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) in the face of climate change and infrastructure development, especially hydropower. The GIZ TC module is structured along 3 outputs which focus on i) river basin monitoring, ii) transboundary sub-basin planning, and iii) organizational advice (see Annex A).
Back in January 2016, the MRC Council endorsed an updated IWRM-based Basin Development Strategy for 2016-2020. The strategy provides regional and transboundary perspectives for the management of the Mekong Basin, as well as development opportunities and strategic priorities for basin development and management. In this context, the LMB countries have prioritized five joint projects for implementation. Joint projects involve two or more countries and address constraints and opportunities that one country alone could not address as effectively as cooperative initiatives. One of these joint projects is entitled "Transboundary cooperation for flood and drought management in Cambodia-Thailand border area - a part of 9C-9T Sub-area". Its implementation is supported by Output 2 of the TC module.
After the assessment in phase I (2018-2019) of this Joint Project, phase II from 2020-2021 developed among others, funding roadmap, a 9C-9T Basin Atlas and a Flood and Drought Master Plan for the 9C-9T sub-basin, which was endorsed by both countries in December 2021. Phase III to implement this Master Plan started in 2022-2024, where Output 2 of TWC II supports the preparation of a proposal for financing the implementation of the Flood and Drought Master Plan including pre-planned projects for piloting nature-based solutions for flood and drought management and supports the design of a transboundary Early Warning System (EWS) which is one of the activities in the endorsed Flood and Drought Master Plan.
In this regard, a transboundary EWS for flood and drought shall be developed and implemented in the 9C-9T sub-basin to strengthen the capacity of key stakeholders, line agencies and communities. Data from the system shall help provincial and local authorities for making better decisions in preparing for, responding to and mitigating the impact from flood and drought in the project area. Additionally, a strategy for upscaling the good practices and instruments applied in the 9C-9T joint project to other sub-basins in the LMB shall be developed, and the requirements of the financing organizations regarding the submission of the funding proposal shall be addressed.
Therefore, the contractor is responsible for providing three work packages.
Work package 1 consists of designing a comprehensive transboundary flood and drought EWS in the 9C-9T sub-basin in Cambodia and Thailand, considering monitoring, forecasting, warning and respond and including a transboundary flood and drought monitoring network. The system shall be sustainably implemented, promote gender equality and focus especially on vulnerable groups. This includes the coordination of the installation of 4 transboundary hydromet stations, a field mission to create rating curves for the new and existing gauging stations, and the verification of the gauging stations with hydraulic modelling.
Work package 2 consists of a capacity building programme for key stakeholders and line agencies in order to monitor and implement the EWS as well as raising awareness workshops in the local communities on transboundary flood and drought topics.
Work package 3 consists of the development of an upscaling strategy and funding mobilisation. The strategy will highlight best practices and lessons learns of the Joint Project. Tasks under this package include to facilitate 8 National Working Group meetings (4 in Cambodia and 4 in Thailand) and 3 Regional Steering Committee Meetings.