Beschreibung der Beschaffung
"Green Hydrogen for Sustainable Development and Decarbonized Economy in Tunisia" (L'hydrogène vert pour une croissance durable et une économie décarbonisée en Tunisie - H2Vert.TUN) is a 3-year project supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftlliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung - BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in partnership with the Government of Tunisia within the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy (Ministère de l'Industrie, des Mines et de l'Energie - MIME). This is the first GIZ involvement in the topic of green hydrogen (H2) and its Power-to-X (PtX) derivatives in Tunisia.
The overall objective proposed for this new project is to improve the framework conditions for the development of a renewable energy-based value chain for green hydrogen and its derivatives in Tunisia.
Therefore, there is an interest from stakeholders and policy makers to understand where the initial supply and demand centers - so called hydrogen valleys - will emerge and how they can be connected to transport hydrogen from areas with large production potential to demand centers locally and worldwide.
"Identification and mapping of suitable sites/areas for the production of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives in Tunisia" intends to provide a comprehensive overview of the potential and the identification of suitable sites for renewable energies-based green hydrogen projects along the whole value chain - from production, via transmission and distribution to end-use.
The contractor is responsible for achieving the objective of the output 2.2 (Component 2) , through the achievement of the mission's goals as described below :
- Goal 1: Prepare a multi-criteria evaluation nomenclature for the location of sites/zones for the production of Green hydrogen and its derivatives in Tunisia.
- Goal 2: Identify a short list of minimum ten (10) suitable sites/areas for the production of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives based on the multi-criteria evaluation nomenclature and the complete environmental and social assessments.
- Goal 3: Design and develop a dynamic and interactive map of suitable sites/areas for the production of green hydrogen and its derivatives in Tunisia.
In fact, the work consists of:
1. Preparing a multi-criteria evaluation nomenclature for the selection of sites/areas for the production of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives
The contractor starts by agreeing on a common understanding between the contractor, GIZ, MIME and key stakeholders on (A) The criteria for selecting and ranking sites so that they are progressively evaluated, moving from general to more specific geographical, environmental, social and economic considerations; (B) Production of a multi-criteria evaluation nomenclature integrating the decision criteria necessary for the selection of potentially suitable sites/areas for the location of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives production activities
The mission"s first goal aims at developing a decision support tool/multi-criteria evaluation nomenclature on the basis of which the assessment of key factors for the classification and selection of suitable sites will be operational.
In order to develop a decision support tool/multi-criteria evaluation nomenclature, the contractor will evaluate all factors related to the development of the entire green hydrogen value chain in Tunisia.
Factors to be evaluated by the contractor include, but are not limited to
2. Identification of a short list of a minimum ten (10) suitable sites/areas for the production of green hydrogen and its derivatives based on a set of selection criteria/meeting the general parameters and requirements of the green hydrogen and its derivatives market as identified in Goal 1.
The contractor's tasks include the assessment of renewable energies-based green hydrogen using the pairwise comparison method and the weights of the criteria and the selection of a short list of a minimum of 10 sites, using the decision support tool developed in the first section (Goal 1).
Concrete steps will be taken to identify sites/areas that include the following parameters :
a. Comparing alternative sites that will be potentially suitable for the production of green hydrogen and its derivatives, in the context of their relative market relevance, existing connectivity or linkages to transportation, electricity, water, etc., and cost feasibility.
b. Conducting summary social and environmental impact assessments for the minimum ten (10) sites/areas in question.
c. Providing a high-level overview of all opportunities, constraints and challenges, and also identifying any possible legal and regulatory reforms that could be considered in the same context for the ten (10) sites/areas identified.
d. Classifying the areas from high to moderate, and low suitability for the renewable energies-based green hydrogen projects" development in Tunisia.
e. Developing a final list of at least ten (10) suitable sites/areas by considering key factors of the areas and analyzing the results based on the needs and specifics of the location attractiveness.
3. Goal 3 includes the designing of a dynamic and interactive map for the production of green hydrogen and its derivatives, using a Geographic Information System (GIS), which will be used along the decision support tool , with an objective of providing the competent authorities, the private sector and local and foreign investors with a visualisation platform sites for renewable energies-based green hydrogen projects and its derivatives in Tunisia
The interactive map allows zooming on a specific region , as well as filtering of potential sites based on major criteria and their sub-criteria such as technical, socio-economic , environmental.