Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The cross-cutting topics of digitalization and data will play an important role during the implementation of the project. Digitalization is a means for transformation. Increasingly, the use of digital tools contributes to better understanding how the population and goods move in cities, allowing to provide useful information and to take actions to make day-to-day transit more efficient, accessible, safe, connected and multimodal. Smart mobility solutions may target and benefit transport planers (i.e. optimizing routes, traffic control, permit management), providers (i.e. improving fleet management, monitoring vehicle efficiencies and demand management) as well as passengers (i.e. accessing real time information on fastest route and electronic payments). Apart from mature digital technologies also rather new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, blockchain and internet of things potentially benefit public transport.
Aspects such as data requirements, digital competency, regulatory feasibility and process provisions for smart mobility solutions are key for successful adoption. This transformation comes with certain challenges including the need to design inclusive digitalization processes to leave no one behind, developing digital skills as well as establishing and maintaining the necessary infrastructure.
The contractor shall provide short-term expert (STE) support to contribute to the digital processes promoted in the framework of TranSIT ranging from a baseline assessment on digital readiness in the urban mobility sector (specifically public transport) on national level and of the pilot regions, over designing specific implementation roadmaps for smart mobility pilot projects to capacity development measures.
The services tendered are divided into the following three work packages:
Work package 1: Digital strategies and tools for decision-makers
Through work package 1, the contractor shall realize an in-depth analysis of the current state of digitalization and digital readiness to adopt smart solutions in the public transport sector in Mexico. The contractor shall analyse and describe opportunities, solutions and challenges for the digital transformation of the public transport sector in Mexico in general and specifically in the four selected pilot regions. The results shall be presented in a white paper.
Furthermore, with view to transport data management the federal states in Mexico are obliged to report mobility data to the federation. However, most states are not yet able to comply with its obligation due to the lack of data recollection and analysis. Therefore, the contractor shall review the baseline situation in the four pilot states and provide technical support to the public authorities to overcome existing shortcomings. Based on the experience in the pilot regions, the contractor shall elaborate a list of recommendations on how to improve the transport data collection and analysis given different starting points.
Work package 2: Smart mobility solutions for demonstration projects in pilot regions - proposals and implementation roadmap
Work package 2 has a specific focus on opportunities for digitalization and efficient data usage in the selected pilot regions in Mexico (Yucatan, Puebla, Oaxaca and León). Specific entry points for smart mobility solutions shall be defined and proposals of feasible demonstration projects developed.
The contractor shall define in total 6 potential smart mobility solutions which may serve as demonstration projects. Demonstration projects may target transport authorities, transport companies or passengers. The proposal shall aim at innovative and ambitious lighthouse projects which may be reference projects for other states. Each proposal shall include an implementation roadmap which provides the framework to guide the actual implementation of a solution The actual implementation is not part of the initial scope of the presented ToRs.
Work package 3: Capacity building measures and network events
Based on the results of work package 1 and 2, the contractor shall develop a 15-hour online course for officials from municipalities on the role of local governments to improve enabling factors for digitalization of their urban mobility system, providing recommendations for digital readiness and examples for smart mobility applications.
Furthermore, the contractor may be asked to organize a series of webinars or workshops as well as prepare and present inputs during (inter)national conferences on topics like digital readiness in public transport, transport data management for public transport planners, digital tools to promote participatory processes for authorities and the implementation roadmaps for proposed smart mobility solutions of work package 2. This may be up to 6 events (average of 3-4 hours each).
The contractor will be asked to manage a hackathon where start-ups and talents of innovative and digital solutions in the sector of public transport will have to solve an urban mobility challenge which one or more of TranSIT´s pilot regions are facing.
As part of the capacity building offer, the contractor shall prepare and organize a study tour (max. 5 days) to Germany about digitalization of the public transport. Apart from approximately 5-10 Mexican counterparts and allies, the delegation may comprise several participants of other GIZ projects in the region.