Digital cooperation is a cornerstone of the AU-EU strategic partnership and a key component of the Joint Vision for sustained and sustainable economic growth, as confirmed during the 2022 AU-EU Summit; both partners jointly engaged to tackle data misuse and fragmentation of data markets in Africa, committing to address the twofold goal of protecting peoples" fundamental rights and leveraging direct investments in data-driven technologies and services for the African economy uptake.
Against this backdrop, five European Member States (Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany) with support from the European Commission, will implement the joint Action "Data Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa", in the framework of the "Team Europe Initiative (TEI) for a Digital Economy and Society in Sub-Saharan Africa".
The Action seeks to leverage the potential of data in a strategic and comprehensive manner, to support the strengthening of a human-centric data economy and society, in line with the AU Data Policy Framework.
The Specific Objective (Outcomes) of this Action are:
1. Strengthen comprehensive and convergent policies and regulations on personal and non-personal data;
2. Leverage data use and cross-border data flows to create value and inform regulations in selected sectors;
3. Promote enhanced partnerships for green and secure data infrastructure.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2023-07-06.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2023-06-01.
Objekt Umfang der Beschaffung
“81296638-Lot 2 Inception Study for the Team Europe Initiative Action on Data Governance: Data Infrastructure Investments
Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Beratungsdienste im Bereich Wirtschaftsförderung📦
Kurze Beschreibung:
“Digital cooperation is a cornerstone of the AU-EU strategic partnership and a key component of the Joint Vision for sustained and sustainable economic...”
Kurze Beschreibung
Digital cooperation is a cornerstone of the AU-EU strategic partnership and a key component of the Joint Vision for sustained and sustainable economic growth, as confirmed during the 2022 AU-EU Summit; both partners jointly engaged to tackle data misuse and fragmentation of data markets in Africa, committing to address the twofold goal of protecting peoples" fundamental rights and leveraging direct investments in data-driven technologies and services for the African economy uptake.
Against this backdrop, five European Member States (Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany) with support from the European Commission, will implement the joint Action "Data Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa", in the framework of the "Team Europe Initiative (TEI) for a Digital Economy and Society in Sub-Saharan Africa".
The Action seeks to leverage the potential of data in a strategic and comprehensive manner, to support the strengthening of a human-centric data economy and society, in line with the AU Data Policy Framework.
The Specific Objective (Outcomes) of this Action are:
1. Strengthen comprehensive and convergent policies and regulations on personal and non-personal data;
2. Leverage data use and cross-border data flows to create value and inform regulations in selected sectors;
3. Promote enhanced partnerships for green and secure data infrastructure.
Zusätzliche Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Durchführbarkeitsstudie, Beratung, Analyse📦
Zusätzliche Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Technische Studien📦
Zusätzliche Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Datendienste📦
Zusätzliche Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Datenanalyse📦
Zusätzliche Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Mit der Datenverarbeitung verbundene Verwaltungsdienste📦
Zusätzliche Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Wirtschaftshilfe an das Ausland📦
Ort der Leistung: za 🏙️
Hauptstandort oder Erfüllungsort: 00000 Sub-saharan Africa
Beschreibung der Beschaffung:
“Through the BMZ-funded Data Economy political initiative, GIZ is putting to tender the delivery of an Inception Study for the TEI Action "Data Governance in...”
Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Through the BMZ-funded Data Economy political initiative, GIZ is putting to tender the delivery of an Inception Study for the TEI Action "Data Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa". The study will (1) analyze the state of play of the digital and data regulatory landscapes, data economies, as well as investment environments, (2) identify the sectors main stakeholders, their needs and capacity gaps, (3) outline risks and opportunities for supporting local populations, human rights, gender equality and environment protection in the data economy, (4) provide recommendations, toolkits and strategies for an efficient and meaningful implementation.
The contracted service in the hereby tendered Lot 2: Data Infrastructure Investments study focuses on creating the foundation for an efficient, sustainable, and inclusive implementation of the Action"s Specific Objective 3.
The study will be conducted through a mixed set of methodologies, including quantitative and qualitative analysis, as well as desk and field research, to produce a comprehensive analysis of data infrastructure investment landscapes across Sub-Saharan Africa. Delivery of Lot 2 must be closely coordinated with the delivery of the respective studies for Specific Objective 1 (separate tender) and 2 (Lot 1 of this tender).
Availability is required immediately, and for a duration of 5 months.
Mehr anzeigen Vergabekriterien
Der Preis ist nicht das einzige Zuschlagskriterium, und alle Kriterien werden nur in den Auftragsunterlagen genannt
Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des dynamischen Beschaffungssystems
Der nachstehende Zeitrahmen ist in Monaten ausgedrückt.
Dauer: 12
Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des dynamischen Beschaffungssystems
Dieser Vertrag ist verlängerbar ✅ Beschreibung
Beschreibung der Verlängerungen:
“GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender....”
Beschreibung der Verlängerungen
GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender. For details, please see the terms of reference.
Mehr anzeigen Informationen über Optionen
Optionen ✅
Beschreibung der Optionen:
“GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender....”
Beschreibung der Optionen
GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender. For details, please see the terms of reference.
Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Informationen Bedingungen für die Teilnahme
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen:
“1. Self-declaration: name of company and address, tax ID, registration and commercial register number or equivalent register in accordance with the legal...”
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen
1. Self-declaration: name of company and address, tax ID, registration and commercial register number or equivalent register in accordance with the legal provisions of the country of origin.
2. No grounds for exclusion pursuant to § 123, § 124 GWB, § 22 LkSG
3. Self declarations Russia-EU sanctions
4. Declaration of bidding consortium and/or declaration of subcontractors (if applicable)
Mehr anzeigen Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien:
“1. Average annual turnover for the last three years (last-but-four financial year can be included in case of tenders held within 6 months of end of last...”
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien
1. Average annual turnover for the last three years (last-but-four financial year can be included in case of tenders held within 6 months of end of last financial year), at least: 160,000 EUR
2. Average number of employees and managers in the last three calendar years, at least 5 persons
“1. Average annual turnover for the last three years (last-but-four financial year can be included in case of tenders held within 6 months of end of last...”
1. Average annual turnover for the last three years (last-but-four financial year can be included in case of tenders held within 6 months of end of last financial year), at least: 160,000 EUR
2. Average number of employees and managers in the last three calendar years, at least 5 persons
Mehr anzeigen Technische und berufliche Fähigkeiten
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien:
“1. The technical assessment is only based on reference projects with a minimum commission value of 80,000 EUR.
2. At least 1 reference project in the...”
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien
1. The technical assessment is only based on reference projects with a minimum commission value of 80,000 EUR.
2. At least 1 reference project in the technical field of data infrastructure in Africa in the last 3 years
Mehr anzeigen Bedingungen für die Teilnahme
Bedingungen für die Teilnahme (technische und berufliche Fähigkeiten):
“1. The technical assessment is only based on reference projects with a minimum commission value of 80,000 EUR.
2. At least 1 reference project in the...”
Bedingungen für die Teilnahme (technische und berufliche Fähigkeiten)
1. The technical assessment is only based on reference projects with a minimum commission value of 80,000 EUR.
2. At least 1 reference project in the technical field of data infrastructure in Africa in the last 3 years
Mehr anzeigen Informationen über das für die Ausführung des Auftrags zuständige Personal
Verpflichtung zur Angabe der Namen und beruflichen Qualifikationen der mit der Ausführung des Auftrags betrauten Mitarbeiter
Verfahren Art des Verfahrens
Offenes Verfahren
Administrative Informationen
Frist für den Eingang von Angeboten oder Teilnahmeanträgen: 2023-07-06
12:00 📅
Sprachen, in denen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können: Englisch 🗣️
Das Angebot muss gültig sein bis: 2023-10-31 📅
Bedingungen für die Öffnung der Angebote: 2023-07-06
12:00 📅
Ergänzende Informationen Informationen über elektronische Arbeitsabläufe
Die elektronische Bestellung wird verwendet
Zusätzliche Informationen
“All communication takes place in English via communication tool in the project area of the procurement portal.
This tender is part of a tendering procedure,...”
All communication takes place in English via communication tool in the project area of the procurement portal.
This tender is part of a tendering procedure, that is divided into lots:
Lot 1 81296637 Inception Study for the Team Europe Initiative Action on Data Governance: Data Value Creation
Lot 2 81296638 Inception Study for the Team Europe Initiative Action on Data Governance: Data Infrastructure Investments
It is possible to apply for several lots at the same time, please refer to the specifications in the terms of reference for details.
Bekanntmachungs-ID: CXTRYY6Y16DS231W
Mehr anzeigen Körper überprüfen
Name: Die Vergabekammern des Bundes
Postanschrift: Villemombler Straße 76
Postort: Bonn
Postleitzahl: 53123
Land: Deutschland 🇩🇪
Telefon: +49 2289499-0📞
Fax: +49 2289499-163 📠
URL:🌏 Verfahren zur Überprüfung
Genaue Informationen über Fristen für Überprüfungsverfahren:
“According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition (GWB), application for review is not permissible insofar as
1. the...”
Genaue Informationen über Fristen für Überprüfungsverfahren
According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition (GWB), application for review is not permissible insofar as
1. the applicant has identified the claimed infringement of the procurement rules before submitting the application for review and has not submitted a complaint to the contracting authority within a period of 10 calendar days; the expiry of the period pursuant to Article 134, Section 2 remains unaffected,
2. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that are evident in the tender notice are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for the application or by the deadline for the submission of bids, specified in the tender notice.
3. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that first become evident in the tender documents are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for application or by the deadline for the submission of bids,
4. more than 15 calendar days have expired since receipt of notification from the contracting authority that it is unwilling to redress the complaint.
Sentence 1 does not apply in the case of an application to determine the invalidity of the contract in accordance with Article 135, Section 1 (2). Article 134, Section 1, Sentence 2 remains unaffected.
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Quelle: OJS 2023/S 107-336444 (2023-06-01)
Ergänzende Angaben (2023-06-28)
Ergänzende Informationen Referenz der ursprünglichen Mitteilung
Nummer der Bekanntmachung im Amtsblatt S: 2023/S 107-336444
Änderungen Zu berichtigender Text in der ursprünglichen Bekanntmachung
Nummer des Abschnitts: IV.2.2
Ort des zu ändernden Textes: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Alter Wert
“Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 06/07/2023
Local time: 12:00” Neuer Wert
“Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 11/07/2023
Local time: 12:00” Zu berichtigender Text in der ursprünglichen Bekanntmachung
Nummer des Abschnitts: IV.2.7
Ort des zu ändernden Textes: Conditions for opening of tenders
Alter Wert
Text: Conditions for opening of tenders
Date: 06/07/2023
Local time: 12:00
Neuer Wert
Text: Conditions for opening of tenders
Date: 11/07/2023
Local time: 12:00
Quelle: OJS 2023/S 125-398330 (2023-06-28)