Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The contractor is tasked to identify, contract and manage a pool of short-term expert that provides services to Social Inclusion Project (SIP) and contributing to the module objective, module objective indicators, and output indicators. The assignment encompasses the provision of one pool of international and one pool of national short-term experts (STE) to provide relevant expert knowledge relating to social protection and economic inclusion of women and other disadvantaged groups in Serbia, anti-discrimination and gender equality in general and project objectives in particular.
An international team leader is required to steer the process and give strategic, technical, and monitoring advice to the GIZ project lead. In addition, A pool manager shall be permanently posted in Serbia (Belgrade). The team leader and pool manager closely cooperate on identifying the required experts and to conceptualize the specific assignment in agreement with the GIZ advisors of the SIP project.
The pool manager will, in addition, support the contracting, ensure quality and timeliness of agreed deliverables, management of the facilitation of events, contribute to M&E, frequently report to the SIP team and supports the administrative and technical backstopping of the expert services.
The services provided by the STE include:
- human capacity and strategic competence development;
- organisational, technical, policy as well as strategy advice;
- networking and dialogue facilitation
- organization of events, workshops, conferences and other exchange, learning and knowledge sharing formats
- Contribution to (online and offline) campaigns and educational approaches on gender norms and anti-discrimination
- Contributing to monitoring, baseline and impact assessments, with a particular focus on gender responsive and -transformative approaches
- Contributing to communication and reporting
in the following thematic areas:
- Employment promotion, economic development
- Public administration, partnership and network building, policy development
- Social protection, with a special focus on (integrated) social services
- (Serbian) deinstitutionalisation processes with focus on development and financing of integrated gender responsive social services
- Gender equality, gender transformative approaches and women empowerment
- Inclusion of disadvantaged groups, anti-discrimination
- Digitalization and innovation
While the required expertise and tasks to be fulfilled by the international and the national pool are similar, the national experts are particularly involved to ensure context-sensitivity, to identify and engage local partners and to ensure adequate formats, measures and communication within the political and cultural framework.
Key tasks and services:
Work package 1 (output 1 & 2) - Social Inclusion Initiative
Contribute to development and implementation of models for integrated social services for LSGs:
- Capacity development for local governments and other actors in local service delivery
- Advisory on coherent planning, gender-responsive budgeting, implementation and monitoring of gender-transformative social services along local action plans
- Peer-to-peer learning and exchange formats on good practice on gender responsive services
Advice on promoting employment initiatives of/for women, Roma, youth, and other disadvantaged groups:
- Identification of companies, social enterprises, civil society and other economic actors to develop employment promotion approaches
- Technical and process advisory for networking and cooperation between companies and local governments on interlinkages of social services and employment promotion
- Capacity building for employees in local government and/or the private sector for the non-discriminatory creation and provision of jobs.
- Promoting, advocating and capacity building for CSOs as social and employment services providers
- Establish exchange formats at the local level between LSGs, businesses and CSOs for economic inclusion of women
- Developing assessments/concept papers/reports and facilitation of learning formats on protection, antidiscrimination and gender transformative approaches and impact of social services and employment promotion
Work package 2 - Antidiscrimination
- Identify good practices and campaigning approaches on gender-based discrimination as well as inclusion of vulnerable groups, esp. Roma
- Expert advice for CSOs and other relevant actors in the implementation of anti-discrimination campaigns and training
- Technical and process advice for staff in local administrations and anti-discrimination bodies as well as civil society organisations on the establishment of training and awareness-raising measures.
- (Further) development of digital tools to raise awareness against gender stereotypes and prejudices together with intermediaries
- Research, baseline and impact measurement of anti-discrimination measures
Work package 3 - Normative Framework
- Process and technical consultation to the relevant ministries MoLEVSA and MHRMRSD on the further development and implementation of the normative framework (laws, strategies, action plans) for social and economic inclusion as defined in Chapters 19 and 23 of the EU accession negotiations.
- Facilitation of accompanying multi-stakeholder dialogue formats between the government and civil society, national and local level, which are involved in the implementation of the normative framework and define guidelines for coherence (horizontal and vertical dialogue).
- Process and technical advice for employees of ministries and local governments on gender-sensitive data and evidence gathering in the field of social and economic inclusion