Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Description of services to be provided
Subject: Creating a Green Business Development Ecosystem in Uzbekistan.
The assignment"s goal is to build the capacities of the Business Development Service (BDS) providers and the ecosystem around them and deliver Green BDS to Uzbek industrial enterprises. Additionally, the contractor is expected to directly support companies in optimizing their production practices and reduce the CO2 intensity of their operations. The term "Green BDS" has been coined in order to distinguish different forms of BDS. Generic BDS covers such services as business planning, export support, technology transfer and innovation support. Green BDS concerns business services which focus on the concept of cleaner production or the environmental sustainability / green economy in a broader sense (e.g. resource / energy / water / wastewater / solid / hazardous waste efficiency, renewable energy, clean technology, sustainable production, climate change adaptation and mitigation, pollution reduction, recycling, natural resource management, low carbon/resource efficient economy, carbon trade, international environmental standards, etc.). The Contractor will concentrate on Green BDSs with a focus on reducing CO2 emissions.
The target group are Small and Medium Enterprises in selected industrial sectors. There is an ongoing study that will allow to select specific industrial sectors on which the project will focus its activities.
The contractor is responsible for providing the following work packages:
Work package 1: Inception phase (identification of needs, prepare implementation)
The purpose of the inception phase is to analyse the demand and supply of green business development services and to develop an implementation strategy.
Work package 2: Strengthening the Green BDS Ecosystem
This work package will involve several actions designed to strengthen the Green BDS Ecosystem in Uzbekistan via capacity building:
- Develop 4 Green Business Development Services: Prepare concepts for 4 Green BDS including the content and capacity building programmes (incl. training material, methodology) based on the implementation strategy. The selection should prioritise topics based on the demand from the selected stakeholders and ensure collaboration with other GIZ activities.
- Select at least 4 pilot local service providers based on transparent selection criteria, e.g., access and market experience within Uzbekistan"s industry, as well as gender balance. Additionally, 2 meso-level players (business chambers, associations, NGOs) have to be involved. The role of meso-level players is to raise awareness and scale up Green BDS beyond the 4 pilot service providers in the future (see WP 4). In order to narrow the gap between green economic policy and its" implementation, the contractor should invite to the trainings key relevant staff members of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade of Uzbekistan.
- Enable meso-level players and local service providers to implement Green BDS using a ToT approach, including the organisation of training, the logistics, handouts, evaluations, certificates, international/regional/national trainers, hybrid format (online and possibly offline if required). The timeline must be customised to the needs and priorities of Green BDS providers. Follow-up trainings and adjustments must be considered.
- Reporting to GIZ: Concept notes for each Green BDS, documentation of trainings and Monitoring and Evaluation reports of ToT and BDS.
Work package 3: Facilitation of roll-out of Green BDS by meso-level players and local service providers in at least 50 Uzbek industrial companies
The goal of this work package is to facilitate the roll-out of BDS in at least 50 industrial companies via the previously selected and trained meso-level players and service providers (see WP 2) and based on the roll-out strategy developed in WP 1. This is the crucial part of the assignment for the achievement of the Module and Output Indicators. The improvements in the respective area should be documented (quantitatively) by the service providers and verified by the contractor. The contractor and its experts will directly deliver Green BDS to 25 participating companies, while local service providers will observe and support the contractor. The local service providers will be in charge of delivering Green BDS to the remaining 25 out of 50 participating companies. The contractor will provide coaching and advise local service providers on improving their services.
Work package 4: Green awareness raising and knowledge management
Two meso-level actors (chambers / associations / NGOs, etc.) will be selected as the Project"s partners for the awareness raising (such as leaflets, videos, social media, etc. on Green / BDS issues), potentially advocacy and scaling up activities of the Project. Awareness-raising activities shall be in Uzbek, Russian and English languages.
A Network of Green BDS Providers will be supported highlighting the Project"s materials, relevant activities, business cases, and sources of information. The Green Network would include relevant source materials, calendar of Green events, and would be established with a relevant business chamber or association partner, to ensure sustainability, linked to the key national and regional SME and green portals.
A key part of the awareness raising, will be the use of the experience of working with the previously discussed companies, which will be evaluated and the information will be converted to materials for dissemination. The companies with the most successful business case / models will be used as champions promoting the value added of Green BDS. Regular workshops and discussions will be organised using the selected companies and their experience.