Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The contractor is expected to implement the following work packages (WP):
1) Strengthening cities" competencies
The WP aims to strengthen capacities of cities in Ecuador to implement sustainable development infrastructure projects. This
includes identifying sectors and potential projects, carrying out capacity development activities, and creating or strengthening
municipal structures with the capacity to implement projects. The opening step in implementing TA (Technical Assistance) is
to identify projects eligible for technical assistance. The work focuses on identifying climate change projects in several cities of
Ecuador and assessing their bankability. In order to make urban infrastructure projects bankable, it is necessary to understand
the specific technical gaps between current state of the projects (including project documentation) and climate change lending
requirements of financial institutions. An appropriate project implementation infrastructure in a municipality with adequate
mandate, financing, staffing, management and monitoring frameworks are prerequisites for effective project development. The
service will provide support the creation or strengthening of a PIU in each municipality.
2) Development of the portfolio of "Climate friendly projects"
The goal of the WP is to gain clarity on the selected projects in terms of maturity, technical quality, etc. and transform them into
bankable projects. In order to make urban projects bankable, it is necessary to understand the specific technical gaps between
the current state of the projects (including project documentation) and financial institutions climate change requirements for
lending. In addition, it is necessary to provide support and guidance in order to maximize positive climate, environmentaland
social impacts of the project as well as climate action eligibility according to IFI criteria, as well as reliable data and
documentation to support this claim. This will be achieved through optimal ownership and if necessary, tariff models to ensure
financial and economic feasibility, as well as optimal preparation of procurement processes in line with international standards.
3) Technical assistance to financial institutions
The WP focuses on getting a clear picture of the situation of the financial sector in the country (at a local, regional and
international level) in terms of climate change and urban development funding and technical assistance needed to support
local banks to become green (this is to use financial resources to fund projects with positive impact towards climate change
and sustainable development). In addition, the work will raise awareness among the banks on requirements and capacity
development needed within the banks to provide finance to climate change projects and to access to financial sources for this
TA will be provided to BDE to create 2 financial instruments for environment friendly urban infrastructure. Using the GAP
analysis as input, support will be provided to establish two financial instruments for specific priority sectors identified by the
BDE in coordination with GIZ. The experiences generated will be shared with the other banks so that they can define and
establish a roadmap for setting up their own financial instruments in the future.
4) Capacity Development for Support entities
The purpose is to build up capacities in Ecuadorian institutions supporting them to develop climate change projects with focus
on sustainable infrastructure in urban areas and knowledge sharing tools that could feed the WP2 of knowledge management.
To ensure that municipalities have support for the identification and development of climate change projects and banks can
have access to assistance for the assessment of projects or review of credit lines it is necessary to create or strengthen capacities of local institutions that could assume the role to provide technical support and capacity building on climate change
and sustainable development.