The expansion of industrial production has led to exacerbated environmental challenges in Jordan. Consequently, enabling the industrial sector to become more resource efficient would not only reduce production costs and therefore the competitiveness of businesses, but it would also be a valuable contribution to protecting Jordan"s environment. However, only a small number of Jordanian enterprises are integrating resource-efficient technologies into their production processes. Two root-cause are the lack of existing business cases for green business opportunities, on the one hand, and the lack of designated green (industrial) policymaking that would allow for Jordan"s economic transition to net-zero, on the other hand. To make matters worse, also public institutions or private-sector support networks have currently limited support offers focusing on resource-efficient and cleaner production.
Therefore, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is seeking a contractor to implement the project "Strengthening Green Economy in Jordan through Policy Advisory and Green Business Development", which is part of the overall Green Action in Enterprises (GAIN). The objective of the GAIN project is that "public and private actors use instruments to promote a Green Economy". In this context, GIZ is seeking to commission a contractor (and a local partner) to provide a range of specialised green economy advisory services expertise relating to three packages of services: (1) political advisory on green economy, (2) development of green business cases, and (3) scaling of textile circularity business cases.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2023-09-04.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2023-08-02.
Objekt Umfang der Beschaffung
“81298701-Strengthening Green Economy in Jordan through Policy Advisory and Green Business Development
Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Dienstleistungen von internationalen Organisationen und Körperschaften📦
Kurze Beschreibung:
“The expansion of industrial production has led to exacerbated environmental challenges in Jordan. Consequently, enabling the industrial sector to become...”
Kurze Beschreibung
The expansion of industrial production has led to exacerbated environmental challenges in Jordan. Consequently, enabling the industrial sector to become more resource efficient would not only reduce production costs and therefore the competitiveness of businesses, but it would also be a valuable contribution to protecting Jordan"s environment. However, only a small number of Jordanian enterprises are integrating resource-efficient technologies into their production processes. Two root-cause are the lack of existing business cases for green business opportunities, on the one hand, and the lack of designated green (industrial) policymaking that would allow for Jordan"s economic transition to net-zero, on the other hand. To make matters worse, also public institutions or private-sector support networks have currently limited support offers focusing on resource-efficient and cleaner production.
Therefore, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is seeking a contractor to implement the project "Strengthening Green Economy in Jordan through Policy Advisory and Green Business Development", which is part of the overall Green Action in Enterprises (GAIN). The objective of the GAIN project is that "public and private actors use instruments to promote a Green Economy". In this context, GIZ is seeking to commission a contractor (and a local partner) to provide a range of specialised green economy advisory services expertise relating to three packages of services: (1) political advisory on green economy, (2) development of green business cases, and (3) scaling of textile circularity business cases.
Zusätzliche Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Umwelttechnische Beratung📦
Zusätzliche Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Beratung in Umweltfragen📦
Ort der Leistung: jo 🏙️
Hauptstandort oder Erfüllungsort: 00000 Jordanien
Beschreibung der Beschaffung:
“The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is seeking a contractor to implement the project "Strengthening Green Economy in...”
Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is seeking a contractor to implement the project "Strengthening Green Economy in Jordan through Policy Advisory and Green Business Development", which is part of the overall Green Action in Enterprises (GAIN) project.
The overall objective of the GAIN project is that "public and private actors use instruments to promote a Green Economy". The project consists of 4 outputs:
- Output 1 aims to strengthen the organisational capacity of public sector institutions to implement selected initiatives to promote a green transformation of the Jordanian industrial sector.
- Output 2 aims to improve the facilitation between the industrial and financial sector for green investments.
- Ouput 3 focuses on strengthening instruments for scaling up resource-efficient and/or circular production in the Jordanian industrial sector.
- Output 4 aims to strengthen instruments to empower women in the Jordanian industrial sector.
In this context, GIZ is seeking to commission a contractor (and a local partner) to provide a range of specialised green economy advisory services expertise relating to three packages of services:
(1) Political Advisory on Green Economy
This work package focuses on providing political advisory services to staff in the MoEnv and the MoITS (target group) on (i) technical topics related to green industrial policy development, and (ii) on organisational and structural challenges faced by the ministries. Moreover, it includes the provision of expert advise on topics related to green economy to the GAIN project team.
(2) Development of Green Business Cases
This work package focuses on (i) developing technical support services for industrial enterprises to identify and implement concepts of cleaner and resource efficient production, as well as (ii) developing and piloting green business cases. The target group are medium-sized and large firms (20+ employees) in the industrial sector. According to the Department of Statistics (2015), medium and large industries comprise 1.8 % of all enterprises and employ 64 % of total employees in Jordan. Based on data provided by the Jordanian Chamber of Industry (JCI) there are approximately 830 manufacturers in this target group by 2021. These are firms with growth potential that have a disproportionate impact on the environment.
(3) Scaling of Textile Circularity Business Cases
This work package focuses on concrete technical advisory regarding the implementation of green business cases developed during the previous phase of the project in the textile- and garment industry. Activities under WP 3 shall contribute to the local textile and garment industry"s market position as an environmentally friendly sourcing destination for international brands and as such minimise the sector"s environmental footprint whilst boosting exports and jobs. The cornerstone of this will be the creation of a supply chain of pre-consumer fabric waste from the existing garment industry to feed a mechanical recycling plant that will, in turn, provide the raw materials necessary for a new spinning mill producing recycled yarn.
Mehr anzeigen Vergabekriterien
Der Preis ist nicht das einzige Zuschlagskriterium, und alle Kriterien werden nur in den Auftragsunterlagen genannt
Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des dynamischen Beschaffungssystems
Der nachstehende Zeitrahmen ist in Monaten ausgedrückt.
Dauer: 24
Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des dynamischen Beschaffungssystems
Dieser Vertrag ist verlängerbar ✅ Beschreibung
Beschreibung der Verlängerungen:
“GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender....”
Beschreibung der Verlängerungen
GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender. For details, please see the terms of reference.
Mehr anzeigen Informationen über die Begrenzung der Zahl der einzuladenden Bewerber
Vorgesehene Mindestanzahl: 3
Maximale Anzahl: 5
Objektive Kriterien für die Auswahl der begrenzten Anzahl von Bewerbern:
“A selection will be made under all eligible participants based on the following criteria:
I. Technical experience:
1. 2 projects in green policy advisory...”
Objektive Kriterien für die Auswahl der begrenzten Anzahl von Bewerbern
A selection will be made under all eligible participants based on the following criteria:
I. Technical experience:
1. 2 projects in green policy advisory (weighting 20%)
2. 2 projects in promoting interminsterial cooperation (weighting 10%)
3. 2 projects in developing and implementing circular business case (weighting 20%)
4. 2 projects in advising industrial companies in the field of cleaner production, resource efficiency and/or circularity (weighting 10%)
5. 2 projects in the textile and garment sector (weighting 20%)
II. Regional experience:
Regional experience in Western Asia (weighting 20%)
III. Experience of development projects (ODA-financed)
Experience of development projects (at least 50% ODA-financed) (weighting 0%)
Mehr anzeigen Informationen über Optionen
Optionen ✅
Beschreibung der Optionen:
“GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender....”
Beschreibung der Optionen
GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender. For details, please see the terms of reference.
Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Informationen Bedingungen für die Teilnahme
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen:
“1) Name and address of the company, legal form, registered office (country), owners and controlling parties, commercial register number/dirstrict court,...”
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen
1) Name and address of the company, legal form, registered office (country), owners and controlling parties, commercial register number/dirstrict court, bank account, tax number, VAT identification number, brief company profile and contact in event of queries.
2) Extract from the commercial register or equivalent evidence/proof (not older than six months).
3) Self-declaration that no grounds for exclusion in Section 123, 124 of the German Act Against Restraints of Competition (GWB), section 22 of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and EU-Russian sanctions apply.
4) If a candidate/tenderer wishes to use the capacities of another company for the execution of the contract or to prove his/her eligibility, she/he must prove by submitting a declaration of commitment that the corresponding capacities are available to him/her for the execution of the contract and a declaration of commitment and a declaration that no grounds for exclusion pursuant to Section 123 GWB and/or Section 124 GWB apply to them must be submitted (in the case to prove the elegibility, this declaration must be submitted already with the request to participate).
5) In the case of participation as a bidding consortium: tenderers must appoint a leading member and authorise this member to represent the group and to receive payments with discharging effect also for the other members. A corresponding agreement, signed by all members, must be attached to the application for participation. For this purpose, the form provided by GIZ must be used.
Mehr anzeigen Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien:
“1) Declaration on the average annual turnover for the last 3 financial years (last-but-4 financial year can be included in case of invitation to tender held...”
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien
1) Declaration on the average annual turnover for the last 3 financial years (last-but-4 financial year can be included in case of invitation to tender held within 6 months of end of last financial year).
2) Declaration on the average number of employees and managers for the past three calendar years
“1) Average annual turnover for the last 3 financial years: at least 1,300,000 EUR.
2) Average number of employees and managers for the past three calendar...”
1) Average annual turnover for the last 3 financial years: at least 1,300,000 EUR.
2) Average number of employees and managers for the past three calendar years: at least 15 persons.
Mehr anzeigen Technische und berufliche Fähigkeiten
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien:
“It is necessary to provide minimum 2 reference projects in the technical field "field of green economic development" and at least 2 reference project must...”
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien
It is necessary to provide minimum 2 reference projects in the technical field "field of green economic development" and at least 2 reference project must be in the Region Western Asia, each of them in the last five years with a minimum commission value of at least 300,000 EUR
Mehr anzeigen Bedingungen für die Teilnahme
Bedingungen für die Teilnahme (technische und berufliche Fähigkeiten):
“It is necessary to provide minimum 2 reference projects in the technical field "field of green economic development" and at least 2 reference project must...”
Bedingungen für die Teilnahme (technische und berufliche Fähigkeiten)
It is necessary to provide minimum 2 reference projects in the technical field "field of green economic development" and at least 2 reference project must be in the Region Western Asia, each of them in the last five years with a minimum commission value of at least 300,000 EUR
Mehr anzeigen Informationen über das für die Ausführung des Auftrags zuständige Personal
Verpflichtung zur Angabe der Namen und beruflichen Qualifikationen der mit der Ausführung des Auftrags betrauten Mitarbeiter
Verfahren Art des Verfahrens
Wettbewerbliches Verfahren mit Verhandlung
Informationen über die Reduzierung der Anzahl von Lösungen oder Angeboten während der Verhandlungen oder des Dialogs
Rückgriff auf ein gestaffeltes Verfahren, um die Zahl der zu erörternden Lösungen oder zu verhandelnden Angebote schrittweise zu verringern
Informationen zur Verhandlung
Der Auftraggeber behält sich das Recht vor, den Auftrag auf der Grundlage der ersten Angebote zu vergeben, ohne Verhandlungen zu führen
Administrative Informationen
Frist für den Eingang von Angeboten oder Teilnahmeanträgen: 2023-09-04
12:00 📅
Voraussichtliches Datum der Versendung der Aufforderungen zur Angebotsabgabe oder zur Teilnahme an die ausgewählten Bewerber: 2023-09-22 📅
Sprachen, in denen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können: Englisch 🗣️
Ergänzende Informationen Informationen über elektronische Arbeitsabläufe
Die elektronische Bestellung wird verwendet
Zusätzliche Informationen
“All communication takes place in English via communication tool in the project area of the procurement portal.
Bekanntmachungs-ID: CXTRYY6Y15172159” Körper überprüfen
Name: Die Vergabekammern des Bundes
Postanschrift: Villemombler Straße 76
Postort: Bonn
Postleitzahl: 53123
Land: Deutschland 🇩🇪
Telefon: +49 2289499-0📞
Fax: +49 2289499-163 📠
URL:🌏 Verfahren zur Überprüfung
Genaue Informationen über Fristen für Überprüfungsverfahren:
“According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition (GWB), application for review is not permissible insofar as
1. the...”
Genaue Informationen über Fristen für Überprüfungsverfahren
According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition (GWB), application for review is not permissible insofar as
1. the applicant has identified the claimed infringement of the procurement rules before submitting the application for review and has not submitted a complaint to the contracting authority within a period of 10 calendar days; the expiry of the period pursuant to Article 134, Section 2 remains unaffected,
2. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that are evident in the tender notice are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for the application or by the deadline for the submission of bids, specified in the tender notice.
3. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that first become evident in the tender documents are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for application or by the deadline for the submission of bids,
4. more than 15 calendar days have expired since receipt of notification from the contracting authority that it is unwilling to redress the complaint.
Sentence 1 does not apply in the case of an application to determine the invalidity of the contract in accordance with Article 135, Section 1 (2). Article 134, Section 1, Sentence 2 remains unaffected.
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Quelle: OJS 2023/S 150-478128 (2023-08-02)