Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The call for tenders concerns Component 2 and subsequently Outcome 1 and 2 of the project:
Service package 1: start-up phase
1.1 Analysis of support offers for SMEs to integrate circular economy approaches into their business and production processes:
- Activity 1.1.1: Offer analysis
The aim of the offer analysis (activity 1.1.1) is to create a detailed study of the current offer of support for TPMEs to promote circular economy approaches. The analysis includes state (promotion agencies), private (consulting services, gas pedals, incubators, independent consultants, consular chambers, professional associations) and civil society support structures.
- Activity 1.1.2: Demand analysis
The aim of the demand analysis (Activity 1.1.2) is to determine in detail the technical and commercial needs of Algerian SMEs about integrating circular economy approaches into their business and production processes.
- Activity 1.1.3: Recommendations and implementation strategy
The recommendations should contain a list of all potentially interesting support offers for this part of the project. From this list, the contractor should prioritize 5 offers of support for which there is no or insufficient (quantitative or qualitative) supply on the market.
Service package 2: Services to promote circular economy approaches in MSMEs developed and implemented
Based on the recommendations from the supply and demand analysis (Activity 1.1.3), Work Package 2 aims to develop coaching/support offerings to promote circular economy approaches in existing MSMEs. By strengthening local advisory services (e.g., umbrella bodies, local service sector, associations, chambers), which are tailored to the needs of MSMEs, MSMEs should be supported to integrate circular economy principles into their business and production processes.
2.1 Development of training and advisory services for SMEs
Development of concepts for 5 support services, including content and capacity-building pro-grams (including training materials, methodology, etc.) based on the results of the supply and demand study. In the selection process, topics should be prioritized according to the demand of the selected actors, and cooperation with other GIZ activities should be ensured.
The integration of circular economy approaches into business and production processes includes topics such as: improving resource efficiency (e.g., energy, water, materials), improving product design (e.g., eco-design principles) etc.
2.2 Capacity building in selected support structures
Selection of local support structures as implementation partners based on transparent selection criteria, e.g., access to relevant MSMEs, existing support offerings, quality of service provision. The final decision rests with the Ministry.
Empower local support structures to implement service offerings using a ToT approach, including training organization, as well as logistics, handouts, assessments, certificates, international/regional/national trainers, hybrid formats (possible offline or online if required).
2.3 Deployment of training and consulting services for SMEs
The aim of this activity is to enable the deployment of services in at least 100 SMEs via the support structures previously selected and trained (see work package 2.2) and based on the strategy developed in activity 1.1.3. The introduction or integration of circular economy approaches in 100 SMEs aims to increase their economic performance.
As part of the training courses, the 100 participating MSMEs are to identify concrete proposals for integrating circular economy approaches into their commercial and production processes, and implementation plans are to be drawn up (how to implement the concrete proposals identified). In addition to concrete action options, including descriptions of technical and procedural adjustments, implementation plans should estimate the expected economic effects. The following aspects serve as a guide:
Examples for economic criteria:
(1) Increase in sales
(2) Business model successfully introduced on the market. This includes the orientation of existing business models towards circularity or the integration of circular elements. Examples are :
a) water saved
b) materials collected, sorted and recycled
c) less material used
d) reduced energy consumption / CO2 emissions
(3) Technological cooperation with partners at the implementation stage. This includes, for example: cooperation with international / European knowledge carriers (e.g., research institutes, associations, service companies) in the field of applying circular pro-duction technologies and processes.
(4) Job creation
TPMEs are to be identified via an open call for participation.
2.4 Advice and support for SMEs during implementation
The contractor will develop a neutral and transparent selection process to determine which of the 100 TPMEs in Activity 2.3 will receive additional advice on implementing the identified measures and implementation plans created in the activity. A total of 75 SMEs are to receive additional technical advice on implementation.