Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Work package 1: Evidence Studies
This work package is to generate evidence around the economic and wider benefits of reforming the business environment in a gender-transformative way. This shall take place through conducting three studies, each investigating/evaluating the impacts of one reform in a particular country. The contractor is to use robust quantitative and qualitative methods to identify the impact of those reforms, e.g. using instruments such as ex-post regulatory impact assessments and rigorous impact evaluations. This is intended to enhance our understanding as to the outcomes of a reform (e.g. possible increase in women-owned businesses accessing finance due to a change in law that prohibits discrimination), the direct impact (e.g. these businesses now being more profitable or sustainable) as well as wider economic impact (the impact on the private sector and economy overall) and societal impact (e.g. evidence that enhanced participation of women in the economy due to the specific reform has led to increased spending on education by those families). Tasks:
a) Develop a long list of 8 different country-specific reforms that have taken place over the last few years in any ACP country (focus on countries on the DAC list of ODA eligible countries). This could be for example a legislation protecting women from sexual harassment in employment in Country X etc. The long list shall include criteria to enable the creation of a short-list of 5 reforms (in as many countries, i.e. one reform per country). The contractor can propose criteria for selection but would be expected to take into account the availability of data or the possibility to generate data to create robust evidence. The contractor should also indicate the likely interest of the public sector in the selected countries to endorse such a study and the collection of data - information that may be based on first interactions with those countries or prior knowledge and networks of the contractor. The ICR Facility would then approve the selection of the shortlist of 5 reforms/countries. The contractor together with the ICR Facility will reach out to possible public sector entities in those shortlisted countries to ascertain interest in collaborating and endorsing the study with the aim of selecting three reforms/countries within one month.
b) The contractor shall also set out a robust methodological approach for the assessment as well as an outline for the studies (i.e. sections of the study, likely content etc).
c) For each of the three cases, analyse and collect evidence as to the outcomes and impacts of those reforms for women`s economic empowerment and the economy overall. Preferably a combination of quantitative data as well as qualitative information should be used (e.g. surveys of and structured interviews with the intended beneficiaries / target group). This may include the use of research assistants and local consultancies / research institutions to collect data. It should include the key drivers for the success or lack of success of a reform.
d) Write a draft report for each of these cases (i.e. 3 reports in total) to set out the reform that was enacted, how this was done, and the impact those reforms have had. These reports are to be prepared in French, English or Portuguese depending on the language of the respective country.
e) Set up a discussion meeting/workshop with policy makers and relevant authorities in each of the three countries to discuss the preliminary findings and take into account important/meaningful comments in the final study.
f) Submit the final reports (i.e. 3 reports) in English and French for distribution on the ICR website. If the reforming country is lusophone, the respective report shall also be made available in Portuguese.
g) Write one summary report (5-10 pages) in English, French and German setting out the main findings of the three studies in a way that it can be shared with high level policymakers and donors highlighting policy recommendations and the evidence behind.
h) Write one blog post (see examples: for each of the reforms (i.e. three blog posts in total).
Work package 2: Peer to Peer exchanges and learning
The virtual Peer to Peer exchange seek to bring together stakeholders across ACP countries. The target group are stakeholders who work or influence similar reform processes. The number of participants for each Peer to Peer exchange is expected to be around 15 to 25 (from at least 4 different institutions from at least 4 different ACP countries) to allow for active engagement and exchange.
Task: Organise and implement three online Peer to Peer exchanges for the three different reform areas to discuss the findings of the studies with relevant stakeholders across various ACP countries and to give stakeholders the opportunity to benefit from each other"s expertise and experiences. Each of the three Peer to Peer exchanges shall consist of at least two sessions, with each session lasting at least 2 hours. It is the responsibility of the contractor to organise necessary logistics (invitation and registration, software, moderation etc.). The exchanges can be in French or English, depending on the likely stakeholders.
Work package 3: Webinar for a wider audience
The webinar is for a wider interested audience and ideally includes speakers who have been involved or are beneficiaries of the reforms in the respective countries.
Task: Set up one 60-90 minutes long Webinar on the subject matter and the findings of the studies. The webinar should be in English and French with simultaneous translation being provided by the contractor (see "other costs" for translation services). It is the task of the contractor to implement the webinar in full, this includes organising a suitable videoconferencing software, moderating the event, planning the event including liaising with speakers and running the webinar on the day.