Beschaffungen: EnBW Offshore Services GmbH

Eine archivierte Beschaffung

In der Vergangenheit waren die Lieferanten von EnBW Offshore Services GmbH FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics GmbH und Njord Offshore Ltd.

Jüngste Beschaffungen durch EnBW Offshore Services GmbH

2021-12-15   Crew Transfer Vessels for EnBW wind parks in the Baltic Sea (EnBW Offshore Services GmbH)
EnBW has two offshore windfarms in the Baltic Sea: Baltic 1 (B1) and Baltic 2 (B2). There is a need for 3 crew transfer vessels (CTV) to transfer the technicians and cargo to and from the offshore windfarms B1 and B2 on a daily basis. The bidder shall offer 3 CTVs - CTV 1(12 Pax for Baltic 1) - CTV 2 (12 Pax for Baltic 2) - CTV 3 (18 Pax for Baltic 2) is regarded as optional. Whether it will be charted or not will be decided during the tender. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics GmbH Njord Offshore Ltd