2021-12-17   BoP Agreement (Nordsee One GmbH (N1))
The wind farm Nordsee One (N1) is located in the German Bight, approximately 32 km north of the island Juist. The water depth ranges roughly between 26 m and 34 m (LAT) with 2,7 m tidal range. Under operation are 54 Senvion wind turbine generators (WTG) of 6.2M126 type with a nominal output of 6.15 MW. The WTGs are erected on monopile foundations and the substation on a jacket foundation. N1 wants to enter into a Service- and Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for the Balance of Plant (BoP) (offshore … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
2015-02-23   Instandsetzung 2015 von 3 St. Ponton (Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Bremerhaven)
Planmäßige Werftinstandsetzung. Konservierungsarbeiten, schiffbauliche Instandsetzung, Ergänzung der Scheuerleiste (bei einem Ponton). Ansicht der Beschaffung »