2021-05-25   81270117 – Supporting the Development of a Market for LPG Clean Cooking in Nigeria (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)
The Nigeria Energy Support Programme (NESP) is co-funded by the European Union and the German Government – BMZ – and implemented by GIZ in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Power (FMP). It aims at enabling and fostering investments in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency. More generally, NESP supports activities to reach selected SDGs in Nigeria, particularly SDG 7 on increasing energy access, renewable energy and energy efficiency, and SDG 13 on Climate Change as well as the … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: GFA Consulting Group GmbH
2021-01-12   81266374 — Nigerian Energy Support Programme (NESP) II (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)
The Nigeria Energy Support Programme (NESP) is co-funded by the European Union and the German Government — BMZ — and implemented by GIZ in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Power (FMP). It aims at enabling and fostering investments in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency. More generally, NESP supports activities to reach selected SDGs in Nigeria, particularly SDG 7 on increasing energy access, renewable energy and energy efficiency, and SDG 13 on Climate Change as well as the … Ansicht der Beschaffung »