Anbieter: Continuous Security GmbH

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2012-09-11   Technical training services (European Aviation Safety Agency)
The European Aviation Safety Agency is an agency of the European Union, which has been given specific regulatory and executive tasks in the field of aviation safety. Set up in 2003 the Agency currently employs more than 600 professionals from across Europe and has as its main working language English. The Agency works hand in hand with, amongst others, the national aviation authorities (NAAs) in Europe for the execution of many operational tasks. The aviation industry is also actively involved in the … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Baines Simmons Limited CAA International Limited Continuous Security GmbH Cranfield University ML Consulting Schulung, Service & Support GmbH R.G.W. Cherry & Associates Limited Stichting Beheer JAA Training...