Anbieter: Deloitte Consulting cvba/scrl

2 archivierte Beschaffungen

Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter Deloitte Consulting cvba/scrl erwähnt wird

2015-05-28   Business and management consultancy services (European Aviation Safety Agency)
The Agency has recently undergone a major reorganisation and wishes to continue to pursue the efficiency and effectiveness of its operational and administrative activities and to engage with, and support, its stakeholders and partners in an optimal way. Therefore, the Agency is looking to contract high level consultancy services to assist the Agency in ensuring that it is best prepared for future challenges. The Agency has identified 8 main consulting services domains where it may require support: 1. … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: BearingPoint France SAS Deloitte Consulting cvba/scrl Ernst & Young et Associés
2013-03-06   IT infrastructure support, and development of and maintenance for in-house business applications — phase 1 (European Aviation Safety Agency)
This tender aims at putting a contractual agreement in place which will enable the Agency to specify and require services provided by experts external to the Agency. These consultants will contribute expertise directly to the design, development and maintenance of IT business applications and to extending and maintaining the IT infrastructure within the Agency. The tender aims at concluding 2 framework contracts: 1 for development of and maintenance for IT business applications and 1 for support of the … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Atos Belgium SA (in consortium with Trasys SA) Deloitte Consulting cvba/scrl Uni Systems Information Technology...