Anbieter: Dods Parliamentary Communications

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Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter Dods Parliamentary Communications erwähnt wird

2017-03-27   Provision of media training and crisis communication services (European Central Bank)
The Directorate General Communications (DG/C) is responsible for developing and implementing the internal and external communication strategy of the ECB. The Directorate General communicates the ECB's tasks and responsibilities to a variety of target audiences using different communication channels and tools. It engages in activities with a variety of national and international media. It is thus vital that ECB as well as key banking supervision personnel, who are in regular contact with media, gain a … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Dods Parliamentary Communications Engel & Zimmermann AG Hill and Knowlton Strategies GmbH Sans Frontieres Associates Ltd