Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter European University Institute (EUI) erwähnt wird
2022-06-23Procurement Procedure on the Design and Delivery of an ESCB and SSM Flagship Training Programme (European Central Bank)
The European Central Bank (ECB) fulfils this mandate together with the 19 national central banks (NCBs) of the Member States whose currency is the euro (the ‘Eurosystem’). In addition, the ECB together with all the central banks of the EU countries (both Euro and non-Euro countries) forms the European System of Central Banks (the ESCB). Since 2014, the ECB is also entrusted with the task of banking supervision within the European Union to ensure the stability of the banking system. This is conducted by …
Ansicht der Beschaffung » Erwähnte Lieferanten:European University Institute (EUI)