Anbieter: Favoreat Design Inc.

Eine archivierte Beschaffung

Favoreat Design Inc. war in der Vergangenheit ein Lieferant von IT-Dienste: Beratung, Software-Entwicklung, Internet und Hilfestellung, internetdienste und diensteanbieter.
In der Vergangenheit waren die konkurrierenden Bieter Path Interactive Inc., RF Binder Partners Inc. und Sopexa USA.

Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter Favoreat Design Inc. erwähnt wird

2018-12-19   Promotion of German and Bordeaux Wines in the USA (Deutsches Weininstitut GmbH)
The present call for tenders aims to identify providers of the following services in the United States of America for 2019 - 2021. The Program’s objectives are to increase awareness and consumption of European wines, and more specifically of wines with designations of origin (“DOO”) produced in the region of Bordeaux, France, and in Germany. The tender is divided into the following Lots: Lot 1 Press Relations: Organizing of press events and organizing of press trips to the wine regions in Germany and … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Favoreat Design Inc. Path Interactive Inc. RF Binder Partners Inc. Sopexa USA