2017-08-09   Provision of services with regard to on-site supervisory activities and related horizontal tasks (European Central Bank)
The ECB intends to select highly qualified external service providers with experience in the assessment of banks' risks. This experience should include having reviewed compliance of significant institutions under the direct SSM supervision (hereby referred to as ‘Banks’) with banking regulation (hereby referred to as the ‘Regulatory requirements’) and having assessed applicable risk models and risk management processes. The regulatory requirements include Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft GMS Management Solutions, S.L. GMS Management Solutions, SL KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Mazars LLP McKinsey & Company, Inc. Promontory Financial Group, LLC PwC EU Services EEIG
2015-12-18   Provision of support for project management, quality assurance on asset quality reviews, stress-testing, and the... (European Central Bank)
The ECB intends to select external service providers to support the ECB upon specific request with tasks related to project management, quality assurance on asset quality reviews, stress-testing, and the provision of non-statutory audit services. The scope of the services to be provided is divided into 4 different lots. With regard to the services of lot 1 (project management and organisation services) the ECB intends to select highly-qualified external providers that have at their disposal a pool of … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. d-fine GmbH Deloitte & Touche GmbH... Deloitte and Touche GmbH... Ernst and Young GmbH... GMS Management Solutions, S.L. KMPG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Mazars LLP McKinsey & Company Inc. McKinsey & Company, Inc. Oliver Wyman GmbH Promontory Financial Group, LLC PwC EU Services EEIG Roland Berger Holding GmbH The Boston Consulting Group GmbH
2015-06-25   Provision, implementation and maintenance of an out-hosted ORM/BCM system (European Central Bank)
The ECB is seeking to implement an out-hosted software system to support its operational risk management (ORM) and business continuity management (BCM) activities (hereinafter called an ORM/BCM tool) as well as its maintenance for a period of 4 years. The offer shall include an incident management module. The objective is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the data collection and maintenance in a decentralised manner as well as facilitate reporting. Overall, the tool is expected to support … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: GMS Management Solutions, S.L.