Anbieter: Intellecap Advisory Services Private Ltd

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2020-08-04   81259279_GIZ Water and Energy for Food Innovation — Lot 1 East Africa (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)
Context: Water, energy and food are essential for human well-being, poverty reduction and sustainable development. Agriculture accounts for 70 % of total global freshwater withdrawals, making it the largest single user of this precious resource. Food production and supply chains consume about 30 percent of total energy consumed globally. The agricultural sector is one of East and West Africa's most important economic sectors. Water and energy are critical at almost every aspect of the agricultural value … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Intellecap Advisory Services Private Ltd IP Consult, Institut für Projektplanung GmbH NIRAS Africa Ltd NIRAS Finland Oy