Consultancy Services for a rehabilitation programme of historic monuments in Historic City Quarters of Timisoara, Romania
Background information.
Timisoara Municipality is the third largest and a growing town in Romania with a population of approx. 320 000 inhabitants in 2002. Since the first documentation of the town’s existence in the 13th century and especially since the 18th century, Timisoara has developed at the crossroad of military and trade roads around its fortified nucleus. Its architectural heritage includes Turkish, Austrian and Hungarian influence. However, important historic ensembles/monuments and city quarters have been deteriorating after the Second World War. Most inhabitants have used the opportunity of acquiring the apartments/houses inhabited by them in the process of privatization in the early 1990’s. However, due to lack of sufficient financial means as well as sufficient knowledge on adequate methods of rehabilitation and preservation of historic monuments most owners have so far not been able to rehabilitate their buildings adequately. Therefore, the city of Timisoara wishes to support owners in improving their buildings’ quality and thus to improve the standard of living of current owners and the development of historic city quarters Cetate, Iosefin and Fabric.
Within a technical assistance intergovernment agreement, in the period of January 2006 – February 2010, the City Hall of Timisoara together with the Agency for German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) has successfully implemented a project for integrated careful urban rehabilitation in 3 of the city´s historic districts: Cetate, Iosefin and Fabric. This cooperation project “careful rehabilitation of Historic Quarters of Timisoara“ has been supported with a grant by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). All actions and measures have been implemented by the urban regeneration unit of the City Hall of Timisoara (coordination centre for rehabilitation of historic districts of Timisoara = Ccrcit). Further information is available at and
Part of this project consisted in the implementation of several pilot rehabilitation projects including construction works, training on the job and consultancy for tenants/ owners. These case studies permitted the setup of management procedure standards as well as technical construction standards.
Thus, the framework was set for the implementation of the KfW-funded programme ”rehabilitation of historic monuments in the Historic City Quarters in Timisoara - municipal infrastructure phase II”.
The German Government through KfW has offered financial support for the rehabilitation of historic city quarters in Timisoara. The total budget of the project is 5 000 000 EUR consisting of a loan not exceeding 3 000 000 EUR and a financial contribution (grant) not exceeding 2 000 000 EUR. The financial support will be recovered from owners in shares depending on their individual income. The City Hall of Timisoara (= project executing agency - “PEA”) intends to spend the money in a revolving manner, recovering the money from owners in a maximum period of 10 years and reusing it for the rehabilitation of additional historic buildings according to similar principles. The design of the project is summarized in the “project concept for rehabilitation programme of historic monuments in Historic City Quarters in Timisoara, Romania”, which will be provided to interested consultants upon request.
The required services are tendered in 2 lots. Interested consultants are invited to submit their request to participate in this tendering procedure either for one lot or for both lots if they wish.
All necessary background information for candidates in order to prepare their request to participate is given in further documents which KfW will provide on the candidate’s request. These documents are: terms of reference; the project concept and an overview of the required expert services. The named documents will be provided free of charge.
General objective.
The objective of the consulting assignment is to assist the PEA in the implementation of the programme for a period of approx. 4 years and to ensure the know-how transfer between the consultant team and PEA’s staff in establishing a sustainable process that ensures the most efficient use of loan and grant funds during the initial KfW-Programme implementation period of approx. 4 years.
The required consultancy services comprise the following main elements:
Lot I: institutional, economic, legal and public relations issues.
1.1 Support in setting up of a financial unit within CCRCIT incl. development of organisation and procedures, assistance in staff selection and training, development of necessary draft documents and general coordination of expert services (setting-up phase of 3-6 months and ongoing as programme progress requires).
1.2 Economic and legal support in development of rehabilitation concepts for individual eligible historic monuments such as support, training and supervision of the PEA/CCRCIT in their communication and cooperation with interested owners of historic monuments, in the development of financial concepts and the conclusion of individual cooperation and funding agreements with owners/owner’s associations and in procurement issues in the course of implementation of individual measures (setting-up phase of 3-6 months and ongoing as programme progress requires).
1.3 Support in administration and disbursement of project funds (accounting, checking of invoices, administration and disbursement of a disposition fund) including support, training and supervision of the financial administration of the support programme and its integration into the public accounting of the PEA as well as support, training and supervision of the disposition fund for disbursement of KfW-funds and reporting to KfW (setting-up phase of 3-6 months and ongoing as programme progress requires).
1.4 Support, training and supervision in establishing and implementation of incasso (collection) of owners’s cost shares for rehabilitation measures (setting-up phase of 3-6 months and ongoing as programme progress requires).
1.5 Public Relations support in development and updating of information materials and PR-activities to support implementation of the programme as well as communication training for staff of PEA (Setting-Up Phase of 3-6 months and ongoing as programme progress requires)
1.6 Legal support in development of procedures, necessary draft agreements and similar documents, clarification of specific legal aspects in the course of programme implementation etc. (setting-up phase of 3-6 months and ongoing as programme progress requires).
Lot II: architect and engineer services.
2.1 Technical support to PEA staff as well as owners of eligible historic monuments on general and specific issues of careful and adequate rehabilitation of historic monuments in the course of programme implementation and individual cases. Technical and organisational coordination and supervision of expert services as described in 2.2 and 2.3 (setting-up phase of 3-6 months and ongoing as programme progress requires).
2.2 Technical assessments of individual eligible historic monuments (report on necessary rehabilitation measures for up to 114 historic monuments) as well as development of technically and financially feasible rehabilitation measures incl. technical and time priorities and cost estimates (ongoing as programme progress requires).
2.3 Assistance to Ccrcit, owners’s architects and engineers in supervision of ongoing rehabilitation works (estimated 30-40 sites in 4 years) and assistance to Ccrcit staff in approval of disbursement of invoices for rehabilitation works (ongoing as programme progress requires).
While the consulting contracts will be concluded with KfW as employer, the consultants are expected to work directly with the PEA and to report both to KfW and the PEA.
Expected results (outcome).
After an implementation period of 4 years the PEA with the assistance and support of the consultants (carrying out the tasks as requested in lots 1 and 2) has supported the owners of approx. up to 30 - 40 historic monuments to rehabilitate their buildings according to the requirements of careful rehabilitation of historic monuments as defined in the project concept. Ccrcit as implementation unit within the PEA has developed and successfully administered the necessary selection of eligible buildings, cooperation agreements with respective owners associations and financing agreements with individual eligible owners, efficiently and correctly carried out disbursements of KfW funds and initiated recovery of owners’ cost shares according to the project concept.
Current owners have thus been enabled to rehabilitate their buildings and to improve their living standard. The improvement of individual buildings has initiated a better use of economic, touristic and social potentials of historic city quarters Cetate, Iosefin and Fabric.
The PEA has been enabled to continue to employ KfW funds on a revolving basis.
Scope of work.
It is envisaged that the programme implementation period will be 4 years after the commencement date. However, due to the very nature of the programme a certain flexibility in response to owners’ interest, decision procedures and progress of rehabilitation works will be required.
Further details with regard to the scope of work are included in the terms of reference.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2011-08-05.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2011-07-04.
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