Review and advisory services in developing countries and emerging markets in the process of developing and implementing adequate environmental and social management systems (ESMS) in financial institutions and private equity funds
As one of Europe's largest development finance institutions, DEG promotes private business structures to contribute to sustainable economic growth and improved living conditions. DEG invests in profitable projects that contribute to sustainable development in all sectors of the economy, from agribusiness to infrastructure and manufacturing to services. The financial sector is a further focus in order to facilitate reliable access to investment capital locally.
For DEG the implementation of risk adequate Environmental and Social Management Systems ("ESMS") is an essential part of today's best risk management practice. In this context DEG's financial sector clients are required to develop, implement and maintain an ESMS for better assessing, mitigating, documenting and monitoring impacts and risks associated with financing and investment. DEG's financial sector clients are also required to nominate an Environmental and Social Compliance Officer; provide adequate training of their staff; and measure the continuous progress through an Annual Environmental and Social Compliance Report.
DEG seeks to support Financial Institutions (FI) and Private Equity Funds (PEF) clients in the process of developing and implementing adequate Environmental and Social Management Systems to manage their specific environmental and social risks by providing guidance and advice.
The financial sector clients qualified to participate in the programme captured by the tendered framework agreement will be mainly mid-cap banks & financial institutions (FI's) as well as Private Equity Funds (PEF) located im emerging markets (without any regional focus) with medium E&S risks in the total portfolio but also with high sector-specific E&S risks.
Target companies could be new clients which need assistance to fulfil all DEG requirements during due diligence procedure, existing clients with a need / the willingness to improve their E&S performance and potential new clients for whose the project will be the starting point of an improvement process to fulfil DEG requirements.
DEG wants the Operator to use a five-phase approach to support financial sector clients in developing and implementing an Environmental and Social Management Systems (ESMS).
Under consideration of different starting points of different target companies, the phase approach as described below serves as basic framework only and needs to be customized for each project, considering also individual needs and existing procedures.
— Phase 1: Initial on-site visit by the consultant,
— Phase 2: Off-site support, tool developing,
— Phase 3: Review and on-site training, pilot phase,
— Phase 4: Evaluation pilot phase,
— Phase 5: Off-site support, final evaluation.
In the financial sector, DEG's environmental and social requirements generally encompass the compliance of the financial institution and its clients with.
a) National environmental and social laws and regulations
b) ILO Core Labour Conventions
c) World Bank / IFC Performance Standards and relevant Sector Guidelines for all projects with high risks involved
d) DEG's Exclusion List for its entire portfolio
e) E&S requirements of other Development Finance Institutions (DFI) like IFC, EBRD, EDFI (in case the FI/PEF is financed by other DFI's as well)
DEG has elaborated Terms of Reference for commissioning various individual ESMS advisories in different FI and PEF clients under a framework Agreement.
The contract is envisaged to be a framework agreement. Every individual assignment will be commissioned through an engagement order specifying details such as time requirements, staff involved and cost with each individual FI or PEF.
The duration of the framework agreement shall be up to 48 months (see II.1.4 and II.3).
DEG reserves to conclude the framework agreement envisaged with up to 3 operators.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2011-12-19.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2011-11-17.
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