Performance of diving works including provision of a suitable vessel

Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum GmbH & Co. KG

During the installation of the foundation tripods onto the pre-installed piles a number of grout seals were ‘ripped out'. The function of the grout seals is to contain the grout within the sleeve annulus. Without a grout seal the sleeve annulus cannot be grouted. There are seven (7) tripod sleeves which are affected.
Repair clamps have been designed and fabricated and when installed will close off the bottom of the sleeve annulus to allow it to be grouted. These clamps need to be installed around the pile just below the bottom of the sleeve by divers. Seven (7) repair clamps needed to be installed.
Currently a diving company is undertaking the installation of the repair clamps. So far two (2) clamps have been installed. Further progress of the work depends on the weather conditions. Thus, the Scope of Works for this tender could be between one and five clamps depending on progress.
On each of the remaining affected sleeves the scope of work shall include the following:
1. Removal and recovery of the Tripod sleeve pile guide plates.
2. Removal of all marine growth from both the outside surface of the pile and the inside surface of the Tripod sleeve. The area to be cleaned extends from the bottom of the Tripod sleeve to the top of the pile. This height is approximately 5 m.
3. Removal of the damaged grout seal from the pile - sleeve annulus.
4. Installation of the repair clamp.

Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2013-05-21. Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2013-05-03.




Geschichte der Beschaffung
Datum Dokument
2013-05-03 Auftragsbekanntmachung