Purchase of a Scanning XPS (Scanning X-ray Photo-electron Spectrometer)
Purchase item: Scanning XPS (Scanning X-ray Photo-electron Spectrometer).
Key words: XPS, ESCA, surface analysis.
1 stand-alone device.
Reason for demand:
For quantitative surface elemental analysis and chemical state information of different materials (e.g. powder, woven material, insulating samples, conducting samples), a high performance scanning X-ray photo-electron spectrometer (XPS/ESCA) system is required. The XPS shall consist of a complete UHV system including pumps, load-lock, computer system for data acquisition/processing, and vacuum monitoring.
For depth profiling by quantifying chemical elements as a function of depth of organic and inorganic surfaces and thin films cluster ion beams as well as non-destructive angle-resolved XPS-measurements are required. The X-ray spectrometer must provide spatially-resolved chemical maps of a surface with a resolution down to several µm for small-area spectroscopy analysis as well as high resolution analysis. The required XPS system must provide high energy resolution and high sensitivity spectroscopic performance.
Technical specifications:
Scanning X-ray photo-electron spectrometer (main instrument) — UHV sample analysis chamber with integrated baking heaters (T>100 °C)
— Automated remote controllable vacuum system for the sample analysis chamber and the probe transfer chamber
— Vacuum gauging in the sample analysis chamber
— Vibrational isolated vacuum pump
Energy analyzer - Electro-magnetic lens system
— Integrated self-regulating charge neutraliser
— Hemispherical energy analyser
— Pass energy selectable (5…320 eV)
— Delay line detector system as electron counter
— Scanning spectroscopic mode
— Parallel imaging mode (256 x 256 Pixel resolution or better)
— Parallel spectral acquisition (snapshot mode)
Measurement spot size - Variable measurement spot size
— Minimum measurement spot size ≤15 µm
— Maximum measurement spot size ≥250 µm
Stage system for sample positioning
— Automated five axis stage system for sample positioning (high precision axes manipulator)
— Step width ≤0.5 mm
— Maximum sample size: ≥80 x 30 mm
— Maximum sample thickness ≥20 mm
— In-situ heating and cooling of samples (+800°C … -100°C)
Sample insertion chamber and sample magazine
— Automated probe transfer from the sample insertion chamber to the sample analysis chamber
— Automated remote controlled evacuation and venting system of the sample insertion chamber
— Sample insertion chamber can be pumped and vented separately
— Venting of the sample insertion chamber with nitrogen
— Pressure monitoring gauge in the sample insertion chamber
— Camera for monitoring of sample transfer in the chamber
— Sample magazine for at least two additional sample holder
— At least 3 sample holders included
o 2x sample thickness up to 4mm
o 1x for powder analysis
— Automated probe transfer from the sample magazine to the sample analysis chamber
Sample analysis chamber camera — Camera system in the analysis chamber for sample monitoring and analysis position selection
— Remote controlled zoom for rough and fine positioning
— Programmable stage positions for routine analyses
— Light sources for sample illumination (live sample viewing)
Quartz crystal monochromator — Circle quartz crystal X-ray monochromator
— Remote controlled positioning
— Resolution ≤0.5µm
— Water cooled for protection during instrument bake-out
Automated Al X-ray source
— Motor driven Al X-ray source
— Maximum power ≥ 450 W
— Remote controlled operation and positioning of the anode for target material management
— Adjustable X-ray spot size
Achromatic dual anode (Al/Mg) X-ray source - Achromatic dual anode X-ray source with two discrete faces
— Coated with Mg and Al to produce Mg Kα X-ray photons at 1253.6 eV and Al Kα X-ray photons at 1486.7 eV
— Maximum X-ray power ≥ 450 W
Multi-mode gas cluster ion source — Monatomic Ar+ ions and Arn+ cluster ions with n = 250 to 2000
— Monatomic Ar+ ion beam energies: ≤200 eV to 8 keV
— Arn+ cluster ions: ≤500 eV to 20 keV
— Minimum spot size of cluster ion beam: ≤500 μm
— Automated recording of a depth profile by combined automated etching and measuring
— Double filament for prolonged service intervals
PC software
Windows 7 based PC software for data processing and control of
— measurement,
— sample transfer,
— sample positioning,
— sputtering,
— depth profile recording,
— evacuation and
— heating
institutional license for multi-workstation installation
Other basic requirements:
— It is preferred to pay of the full (100 %) invoice sum after delivery and installation. Up to 40 % of the gross value of the order may be charged in advance of the delivery, following the official order of the customer, in return for a bank guarantee and following a deposit invoice by the supplier.
Rescission conditions:
— The business of the contract is settled on a fixed date (firm deal). Complete delivery of the system, on-site installation (as ordered) and delivery of the invoice shall be executed by 15.6.2015.
— In case of delayed delivery we reserve the right to withdraw from the contract.
Optional requirements:
— none
in addition to delivery of device supplier has to do:
1 Installation
1 Instruction
1 Price 30 %
1 Technical Specification 40 %
1 Service 10 %
1 Time of delivery 20 %
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2014-11-06.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2014-09-12.
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