Provision of services relating to the production of publications (PRO-000609)
The ECB is the central bank for Europe's single currency, the euro. Its main task is to maintain the euro's purchasing power and thus price stability in the euro area. The ECB produces a number of publications to report on its activities including monetary policy, statistics, payments and securities settlement systems, financial stability and supervision, international and European cooperation, legal matters, as well as prudential supervision of credit institutions established in participating Member States.
With this procedure, the ECB is aiming at awarding a framework agreement for a maximum of 5 years for the provision of services related to the production of publications.
In order to interact directly with the ECB's publications team and to rely on the ECB's internal document management system (which for security reasons cannot be accessed remotely by suppliers), it is expected that the successful tenderers will deploy a small team on the ECB's premises in Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany.
The participation of the Deutsche Bundesbank in this tender is limited to the procurement of the services necessary for the production of the German version of the ECB's Economic Bulletin, which the ECB produces only in English.
With some exceptions, the ECB has in general stopped printing hard copies of its publications. In addition, by the time of contract award the ECB will have stopped typesetting most of its publications in favour of MS Word- and MS Excel-based production. While the ECB will continue to require classical typesetting for some materials, the number of such instances will be small.
The production of certain ECB publications is time critical with deadlines which are defined by EU legislation, and therefore their release cannot be postponed. Hence the successful tenderer will have to ensure that it has a sufficient number of prepared staff, and in addition that it has robust and proven procedures in place to deal with time-critical publications as well as unexpected peaks in workload and absences in its workforce.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2015-12-14.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2015-11-03.
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