Beschreibung der Beschaffung
A lot of GIZ staff works in partner countries with significantly increased security risks. Therefore, staff needs to be provided with location specific intensive preparation for handling challenging security environments, including those of a life-threatening nature. The type of mandatory required training is stipulated by the GIZ country risk rating.
The Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) offers training for GIZ staff.
Considering described situation, GIZ is looking for a training provider to conduct Safety and Security Trainings, that are geared to address the training needs of GIZ staff being seconded to partner countries whose internal GIZ risk rating is high (e.g. Cameroon, Colombia) and very high (e.g. Afghanistan, South Sudan).
Based on essential parts of the contents and educational approach of the original safety and security training for ‘red countries’ as well as most parts of the HEAT training being certificated by ENTRi, the seminar should include specific modules i.a. like
— fire protection and fire fighting,
— urban survival skills,
— preparation for overland trips,
— natural disaster preparedness,
— behaviour during hostage-taking, kidnapping and liberation,
— weapons effects and mine awareness, demonstration of shooting and blasting, passing and overshooting with combat ammunition,
— practical use of radio communication,
— use of maps and compass,
— sexual harassment,
— practical First Aid in the field,
— stress management: coping with extrem situations and trauma.
Language: English
Cours duration: 5 days
Participants: up to 18
— the supplier provides the training facility, a pool of personnel (trainers and actors), vehicles and all the equipment and resources required for the scenario work, role-plays, as well as classroom sessions,
— the supplier provides food and accommodation for all participants as well as actors and trainers from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon,
— the supplier provides handouts and a first aid kit to be taken by every participant (including CAT tourniquet, emergency bandage, rescue blanket, breathing mask).
Training execution: one fixed training in 2020: 14 December 2020 — 18 December 2020
Followed by 4 trainings per year starting in 2021.