Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The project aims at improving equal access to and quality of primary and secondary public schools in Jordan and focuses on school children from KG2 to Grade 10 with focus on children with disabilities. In support of achieving this goal a nationwide awareness raising campaign for Inclusive Education shall be conducted in Jordan. The country of assignment is Jordan, the language of the campaign is Arabic and the assignment shall run from 1 June 2021. The campaign will be divided into a media-based nationwide approach and a community-based approach in three directorates and selected schools and communities (defined by GIZ PROMISE) in Jordan.
The main objectives of the campaign are:
— addressing the need for inclusive education and challenging prejudices and stigmas and promote positive attitudes towards students with disabilities to prevent social exclusion through various media channels and innovative formats for different target groups;
— promoting awareness that Inclusive Education is the shared responsibility and commitment of all, including teachers, parents, students as well as the larger community and administration at central and regional level;
— promoting a common understanding of Inclusive Education as a process of increasing quality learning and participation for all learners;
— promoting the rights of Education for all learners with special focus on children with disabilities;
— supporting positive awareness raising activities and approaches at school levels to promote Inclusive Education and to address and overcome prejudices by principals and teachers, parents, pupils and the community towards the demand for inclusion;
— reflecting the challenges of all learners in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic with special focus on children with disabilities.
The main target groups include:
— personnel at schools, especially public schools, including school principals, teachers and others at a school level;
— parents as well as students (4- 18 years) regardless of their backgrounds (at an individual level);
— personnel at the Ministry of Education (MoE), other relevant ministries, and field directorates at an administrative level;
— religious institutions, (local) politicians and community leaders, media, journalists, community-based organisations (CBO) and other community members as mediators.
The main tasks and activities of the campaign are:
— needs assessment for awareness-raising measures for the defined target groups: The needs assessment will serve as a baseline for the awareness campaign. Therefore, the current understanding of Inclusive Education an in Jordan shall be assessed as well as a research about existing awareness material for Inclusive Education in general and existing Jordanian educational awareness initiatives and campaigns shall be conducted;
— design of awareness campaign concept: the awareness campaign concept shall consist of a media-based nationwide and a community-based approach and outline how both are going to contribute to each other in their outreach to the defined target groups at different levels (national, local, school, individual). It shall include a detailed outline for the entire campaign strategy, an implementation plan as well as a sustainability strategy. The campaign strategy contains information on the proposed activities, targeted audience per activity, resources that will be engaged and a timeline of all stages and parts of the campaign and their specific objectives. The implementation plan consists of established deadlines for each task, clarified roles and responsibilities, information on involved partners and executing parties and detailed logistics planning. The sustainability strategy proposes a concept for the handover/continuation of the established communication channels and materials to the various partners involved and/or sub-contracted. It also includes a plan for short-term work- based trainings of relevant departments,
— implementation of the awareness campaign: the awareness campaign shall be conducted according to the concept developed under Work Package 2 and according to the task allocation between the contractor and the sub-contracted local media partners as well as the GIZ PROMISE contracted organisations and the governmental institutions;
— Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E): the contractor (or the sub-contractors) shall develop a methodology for adequate documentation and results-based monitoring in line with the GIZ PROMISE M&E system. The contractor has to offer an own personal concept for this assignment. The assignment will be awarded at a fixed price of EUR 1 250 000 to the bidder proposing the best staff and technical concept.