Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The textile industry is a key sector of the economy in many Asian countries and employs large numbers of workers in these countries. In Bangladesh and Cambodia, for example, it accounts for around 80 per cent of total export revenue. Although the underlying conditions in these countries vary considerably, the major challenges they face are similar: ensuring decent conditions for workers and reducing environmental impacts.
GIZ's regional project FABRIC is addressing sustainability in the textile and garment industry in its social, economic and environmental dimensions. The project operates in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan and Vietnam and works with China.
The project initiates regional networks and promotes and facilitates a close exchange and sharing of knowledge, it cooperates with international buyers and brands to use their market power to foster sustainability, it supports the implementation of social and labour standards to improve working and living conditions by strengthening social dialogue and it supports representation mechanisms that enable garment workers, with an emphasis on women workers, to protect their interests. Finally, FABRIC promotes occupational health and safety (OHS) standards by providing advice and information on selected issues at factory level.
The target country of the planned program is Cambodia. Evidence from Cambodia suggests that non-compliance related to OHS in the garment sector continues to be high and tends to increase. Lasting improvements in OHS can be achieved only with proper management systems, including policies and procedures, and related training for management and workers to understand and apply such procedures. The quality of management systems is directly related to legal compliance with OHS topics as well as to the factories' overall compliance. However, the quality of management systems in garment factories in Cambodia continues to be low according to Better Factories Cambodia (BFC).
Building on these experiences GIZ plans to roll out a program to conduct trainings and advisory services for factories under Chinese management. Furthermore, due to the outbreak of Covid-19, it is also necessary to include the Covid-19 prevention into the new program.
The contractor is responsible for providing the following work packages:
Work package 1:
After being awarded for the assignment the contractor shall proceed with an inception phase. During this time, the contractor is responsible to develop a deeper understanding of the intervention area and the assigned work packages (2 - 4). The contractor has to familiarize itself with the Cambodian context including local law and rules and based on that develop a detailed work plan for the tasks to be performed under work package 2 and 3. Further, the contractor will need to develop a strategy for disseminating knowledge on OHS management systems in the region. The inception phase is scheduled to last 3-4 months.
Work package 2: Advisory services in 20 factories in Cambodia
The purpose of the assignment is to raise awareness of the mostly Chinese speaking senior management on OHS risks and the importance of OHS management systems and support them in taking action to improve the OHS conditions at the factory. This follows the objective to ensure that each of the 20 participating factories has implemented a more effective and practical OHS management system according to its needs and with strong involvement of workers, in particular women garment workers. In order to achieve this objective, factories will receive trainings to strengthen the competencies of internal audit teams (comprised Chinese senior management, (Khmer or Chinese) middle management and workers of garment factories in Cambodia) on OHS management systems.
The contractor is responsible for delivering trainings to 20 factories and to provide advisory services to these factories. The advisory services follow the objective to support factories to implement efficient OHS management systems in their factories according to their factories context. This includes introducing relevant policies, establishing effective procedures and activities and assigning responsibilities and ensuring that the people who are responsible are adequately trained. The effectiveness of the management system shall be demonstrated by documenting that all relevant elements of an OHS management system are in place and that OHS problems have been solved during the project implementation phase (measured against the baseline assessment).
Work package 3: trainings for pandemic preparedness/Covid-19 resilience
In line with the before mentioned output 4.1, the management of 50 factories in Cambodia shall be trained on how to institutionalise best practices in Covid-19 response and pandemic preparedness. The objective is to integrate best practices into standard management practices / standard operating procedures (SOPs) and thus to integrate pandemic preparedness into OHS management practices. Trainings for this matter shall be developed and implemented with 2-3 participants each from the management of 50 factories.
Work package 4: Regional dissemination on OHS tools
In line with FABRIC's role facilitating regional knowledge transfer, the training tools developed for the Cambodian context and experiences from work package 1 should be made available in the region and are adjusted to different country contexts in the region. This includes developing online events, knowledge products, videos and tools.