Beschreibung der Beschaffung
In the past 30 years, Afghanistan has been experiencing civil war and violent conflicts which have led to an increased vulnerability of the rural and urban population.
More than 55 % of Afghanistan's people live in extreme poverty, more than 10 000 000 people suffer from natural disasters and over 3 500 000 suffer from food insecurity, making Afghanistan the country with the second highest fatality rate related to disasters worldwide. In 2018 alone, more than 4 000 000 people were affected by disasters, especially because 2018 was a drought prone year that led to a major livelihood crisis by limiting food production and depleting farmers and livestock keepers assets and livelihoods. Weather experts predict an extremely dry year for 2021, too.
The project provides structural support to the rural population in strengthening their resilience to recurring dry periods and landslides and makes a contribution to reducing poverty. The project starts with the construction of water storages and the sustainable management (structural and economic) and smaller rural infrastructure measures to directly improve the livelihood of the population.
The focus of the implementation is on the sub-national government and administrative levels in order to ensure sustainability and to strengthen the trust of the local population in the functionality of government structures. Through advice, small structural infrastructure measures and capacity development, the project helps to reduce the effects of climate change by increasing the adaptive capacity and resilience of the population.
The contractor is responsible for providing/supporting the following activities:
After being awarded for the assignment the contractor shall proceed with an inception phase. During this time, the contractor is responsible to develop a deeper understanding of the intervention area and the assigned outputs 1-3. The contractor has to familiarise itself with the context of the Province of Badakhshan including local experience and based on that develop a detailed work plan for the tasks to be performed. This inception phase is scheduled to last 3-4 months. It is envisaged that an experienced NGO supports the activities in the target villages. The workplan has to be developed together with this NGO.
Output 1: Access to and capacities for the management of water reservoirs in selected districts of Badakhshan province have been improved.
As a first step, the needs of the population for water supply and the existing water storages in the intervention communities should be analysed. Based on the outcome, the rehabilitation (and construction) of existing but no longer functioning water reservoirs is carried out. Local administrative structures for coordination, management, sustainable economic operation and financing as well as technical maintenance of water infrastructures are trained. The management committees and those responsible for jointly used cisterns receive organisational advice and further trainings.
Output 2: The basic village infrastructure and capacities to protect particularly vulnerable communities against natural disasters have been improved.
For this output, participatory and conflict-sensitive identification of necessary infrastructure measures for disaster protection of selected villages are identified. The implementation of cash-for-work measures for rural access roads, erosion protection, rainwater runoff storage, wildfire protection, etc. supports the local population. Capacity development of farmers and staff of local administrations on rainwater runoff storage, erosion protection, etc. accompanies the measures. The village population and staff of local administrations are advised on disaster-preventive management of agricultural land (especially steep slopes).
Output 3: The capacity of local DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) authorities is strengthened.
Output 3 is directed towards improving the capacities of the local disaster management authorities. Evaluation of analyses on the disaster vulnerability of communities are carried out together with the local authorities. Dialogues between local disaster prevention authorities and residents of the communities are organised. Training of governmental and civil society organisations in disaster risk management in relation to prevention and relief measures (water distribution, etc.) during prolonged dry periods and droughts is carried out. Training and sensitisation of employees of local administrations and the population on hygiene rules in the use of drinking water is organised.