Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The contractor will be responsible for contributing to the thematic area of legal aid (output 3) by providing long-term expertise. The contractor will also contribute to the implementation of the other outputs by providing a short-term international and local expert pool. The tasks to be performed by the short-term experts include technical, process and organizational development advice, human capacity development measures such as trainings as well as research, monitoring, reporting and communication tasks and products.
Work Package 1: Legal Aid Services
The contractor will build strengthen different types of paralegal desks with a renewed focus on quality and sustainability. This approach tackles two main challenges: All desks depend heavily on external funding and women, girls, youth and PWD remain underrepresented among the beneficiaries. All activities under this work package need to be aligned with the technical and policy advice provided by the project staff to MoJ and LAB under output 1.
Thus, the contractor will focus on a) technical advice and capacity building for Legal Aid Service Providers; b) developing and implementing a strategy and implementation plan to increase access to legal aid, especially for women, youth and people with disabilities; c) improving legal aid service delivery via trainings, peer-to-peer learning, access to information and further education opportuinities.
Work Package 2: Fair and transparent processes in the justice sector
The contractor will contribute to the project"s work on policy (macro) and organizational (meso) level in the access to justice field. Work package 2 provides technical advice to governmental and non-governmental actors in the justice sector to ensure fair and transparent processes. On an organizational level the capacities and internal processes of relevant actors are strengthened to fulfil their specific mandate in the justice sector. Based on capacity building requirements and relevant topics to be identified by the contractor, the contractor will implement capacity development measures for relevant stakeholders such as the police, the National Prosecution Authority (NPA), correctional facilities, courts, the Human Rights Commission and Legal Aid Board.
Work Package 3: Communication, Cooperation and Coordination for fair and transparent justice service delivery
The contractor will continue the technical support to the already established Communication, Cooperation and Coordination Initiatives (CCCIs) in the form of process, organizational development and technical advice while at the same time establishing further CCCIs at the local level. CCCIs includes criminal justice institutions, civil society organisations, paralegals and other stakeholders working in the justice system. The contractor will also suggest where and how further CCCIs can be established in the target provinces. Due to the new focus on promoting transparency the consulting agency needs to explore how the CCCI or other cooperation mechanisms can be utilized to improve the resolution and documentation of corruption cases by strengthening cooperation mechanisms between the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Office of the Public Protector Zambia and other actors in the justice sector.
Provision and management of a short-term international and local experts pool
The contractor manages a pool of short-term international and local experts to provide technical services to the EnACT management, the team and project partners across all thematic work areas of the GIZ project: legislative and policy reform, viable civic space and dialogue, transparency and accountability, legal aid and legal tech.
The contract will involve the provision of one international (full-time) expert and three national (full-time) experts, one administrative position as well as the extensive involvement of a pool of both national and international short-term experts.