Beschreibung der Beschaffung
PECA"s project component "Strengthening Education & Training Capacities" promotes the capacity of education & training providers in Central Asia to offer demand-oriented qualifications for the food processing industry (Output 3) and the logistics occupational field (Output 4) at various levels: It aims at the establishment of market-relevant, high-quality TVET and higher education programmes as well at the introduction of short-term in-service trainings for company employees. Within this component, the contractor will be responsible for preparation, implementation and monitoring of four Work Packages (WP):
Work Package 1 (WP 1):
Development of a distance-learning study course "Master of Vocational Education (M.Ed.)" as an in-service training offer for TVET teachers
WP 1 foresees the development of a distance-learning offer for practicing TVET teachers in food technology, which leads to a formal Master of Education"s degree. The distance learning course to be designed is intended to provide in-service teachers at vocational colleges in the field of food engineering/technology with the opportunity to gain further subject-specific and pedagogical competencies and achieve the degree "Master of Vocational Education in Food Technology".
The task of the contractor is to consult four pre-selected partner universities in Central Asia on the development of this distance-learning study course "Master of Vocational Education (M.Ed.)". The consultancy includes both technical and organizational aspects of developing and implementing the programme at the given university. One crucial aspect of the consultancy will be the design of the fitting blended-learning format, i.e. the adequate mix of online-based learning and classroom learning.
Work Package 2 (WP 2):
Development of the cooperative B.Sc. Logistics study programmes at four more partner universities (one each in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan)
During the previous project phase of PECA, a first group of four Central Asian universities had been supported in introducing a cooperative Bachelor"s study programme "Logistics" with a focus on the food processing industry. Based on an existing generic curriculum, the contractor"s task is to design cooperative Bachelor"s programmes "Logistics" at four more pre-selected universities in Central Asia. Depending on the situation at the given university, such study programmes can be either newly developed or established by revising an existing programme.
A crucial building block of WP 2 is cooperation with industry to make sure that the study courses are responsive to market needs. A systematic involvement of the private sector in the development and implementation of each customized study program is to be foreseen. Besides, the design of these cooperative Bachelor"s programmes "Logistics in the Food Industry" are to be carried out, on the one hand, to best fit in with the institutional and national requirements of each university/country and, on the other hand, to ensure that the Bachelor"s programmes still comply with the quality standards of the European Higher Education Area.
Work Package 3 (WP 3):
Development and introduction of dual TVET programmes in the field of logistics at one selected college each in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
WP 3 aims at developing and implementing dual TVET programmes in logistics at pre-selected vocational colleges in Central Asia. In agreement with the respective college, the TVET programmes shall be established in one of the following fields of logistics: logistics operations, transport operations, freight forwarding, warehousing. Depending on the situation at the given college, such a TVET programme can be either newly developed or established by revising an existing programme.
The task of the contractor is to consult the vocational colleges on the development and implementation of dual TVET programmes "Logistics". The consultancy includes both technical and organizational aspects of developing and implementing specific programmes in accordance with the demands of the economy in the respective region, where the given college is located. Systematic involvement of the private sector into the development of respective occupational standards, curriculum development and the implementation of the TVET programmes needs to be foreseen.
Work Package 4 (WP 4)
Development and introduction of modular further training courses on "green Food technology" and "green logistics" for skilled workers and management staff
WP 4 aims at the development and implementation of demand-driven short-term qualifications for employees in the food industry and the logistics sector - with a focus on "green economy" approaches. Such short-term courses (STC) - targeted as in-service trainings at company employees - can be quickly developed and offered in response to specific industry needs.
The task of the contractor is to consult pre-selected provider organizations in Central Asia on the development and implementation of the following STCs:
- a modular further training course on green technologies in food production and processing for skilled workers in food companies,
- a modular further training course on green logistics for managers in the logistics sector.
To ensure the demand-orientation of the STCs and their compliance with formal prerequisites of the national professional education systems, stakeholders both from industry and relevant government agencies need to be included in the development process. Furthermore, capacity development to the provider organizations will need to focus on their management and organizational capacities, the provision of necessary teaching capacities to ensure high-quality implementation of the STCs, and, finally, recognition of these short-term qualifications in the national labour markets.